Ability to Pay

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Below are the ability to pay laws that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.

2 Results

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State Statute Description/Statute Name Statutory language Level of offense Definition of ability to pay Timeline Burden of proof Method of determination Mandatory Remedies if unable to pay
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Iowa Iowa Code § 815.9(6) Indigency determined — penalty

If the person receiving legal assistance is acquitted in a criminal case or is a party in a case other than a criminal case, the court shall order the payment

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of all or a portion of the total costs and fees incurred for legal assistance, to the extent the person is reasonably able to pay, after an inquiry which includes notice and reasonable opportunity to be heard.


"reasonably able to pay"

Before imposition of fine or fee Not provided for Not provided for Yes

Not provided for

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Iowa Iowa Code § 815.9(5) Indigency determined — penalty

If the person receiving legal assistance is convicted in a criminal case, the total costs and fees incurred for legal assistance shall be ordered paid when the reports submitted pursuant

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to subsection 4 are received by the court, and the court shall order the payment of such amounts as restitution, to the extent to which the person is reasonably able to pay, or order the performance of community service in lieu of such payments, in accordance with chapter 910.


"reasonably able to pay"

Before imposition of fine or fee Not provided for Not provided for Yes

Community service in lieu of payment