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See all ability to pay policy recommendations in CJPP’s Policy Guide
Below are the ability to pay laws that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
7 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Level of offense | Definition of ability to pay | Timeline | Burden of proof | Method of determination | Mandatory | Remedies if unable to pay | |
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Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. § 814.67(bg) | Witnesses fee for indigent defendants | (bg) For interpreters assisting the state public defender in representing an indigent in preparing for court proceedings, $35 per one?half day. | All | Not provided for | Not provided for | Not provided for | Not provided for | Yes | Not provided for |
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Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. § 973.055(4) | Domestic abuse surcharge waiver |
(4) A court may waive part or all of the domestic abuse surcharge under this section if it determines that the imposition of the full surcharge would have a negative + See moreimpact on the offenders family.
All | Not provided for | Not provided for | Not provided for | Not provided for | No | Not provided for |
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Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. § 977.06 | Determination of Indigence |
(1) DUTIES. The state public defender shall determine whether persons are indigent and shall establish a system to do all of the following:
(a) Verify the information necessary to determine indigence + See moreunder rules promulgated under s. 977.02 (3). The information provided by a person seeking assigned counsel that is subject to
verification shall include any social security numbers provided on an application under sub. (1m), income records, value of assets, eligibility for public assistance, and claims of expenses.
(b) Redetermine indigence during the course of representation
of persons receiving representation.
(c) Record the amount of time spent on each case by the attorney appointed under s. 977.08. (d) Collect for the cost of representation from persons who are indigent in part or who have been otherwise determined to be able to reimburse the state public defender for the cost of providing
(1m) APPLICATION FOR REPRESENTATION. The state public defender shall request each person seeking to have counsel assigned for him or her under s. 977.08, other than a child who is
entitled to be represented by counsel under s. 48.23 or 938.23, to provide the state public defender with his or her social security number and the social security numbers of his or her spouse an dependent children, if any.
(2) VERIFICATIONS. (a) A person seeking to have counsel assigned for him or her under s. 977.08, other than a person who is entitled to be represented by counsel under s. 48.23, 51.60, 55.105, or 938.23, shall sign a statement declaring that he or she has not disposed of any assets for the purpose of qualifying for that assignment of counsel. If the representative or authority making the indigence determination finds that any asset was disposed of for less than its fair market value for the purpose of obtaining that assignment of counsel, the asset shall be counted under rules promulgated under s. 977.02 (3) at its fair market value at the time it was disposed of, minus the amount of compensation received for the asset.
(am) A person seeking to have counsel assigned for him or her under s. 977.08, other than a person who is entitled to be represented by counsel under s. 48.23, 51.60, 55.105, or 938.23, shall sign a statement declaring that the information that he or she has given to determine eligibility for assignment of counsel he or she believes to be true and that he or she is informed that he or she is subject to the penalty under par. (b).
(b) A person who makes a false representation that he or she does not believe is true for purposes of qualifying for assignment of counsel is guilty of a Class I felony.
(3) REDETERMINATIONS. (a) Unless the court has made an adjustment under s. 973.06 (1) (e), upon determination at the conclusion of a case that a persons financial circumstances are changed, the state public defender may adjust the amount of payment for counsel.
(b) The state public defender may petition a court that ordered
payment under s. 757.66, 973.06 (1) (e) or 977.076 (1) to modify
an order or judgment to adjust the amount of payment or the
scheduled amounts at any time.
(c) Except as provided in ss. 48.275 (2) (b) and 938.275 (2) (b),
an adjustment under this subsection shall be based on the persons
ability to pay and on the fee schedule established by the board
under s. 977.075 (3).
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Unspecified |
At defendant's request before imposition of fine or fee | Burden on defendant to show inability to pay | Determined by judge after hearing | No |
Public defender services are funded 100% through the state of Wisconsin. KNOW YOUR STATE, SIXTH AMENDMENT CTR. (Last visited Jan. 29, 2017), . |
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Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. § 973(3) | Community Service in lieu of fine |
(3) (a) In lieu of part or all of a fine imposed by a court, the court may stay the execution of part or all of the sentence and provide + See morethat the defendant perform community service work under pars. (b) and (c). Any applicable driver improvement surcharge under s. 346.655, any safe ride program surcharge under s. 346.657, or any domestic abuse surcharge under s. 973.055 shall be imposed under ch. 814 regardless of whether part or all of the sentence has been stayed. If the defendant fails to comply with the community service order, the court shall order the defendant brought before the court for imposition of sentence. If the defendant complies with the community service order, he or she has satisfied that portion of the sentence.
(b) The court may require that the defendant perform community service work for a public agency or a nonprofit charitable organization. The number of hours of work required may not exceed what would be reasonable considering the seriousness of the offense and any other offense which is read into the record at the time of conviction. An order may only apply if agreed to by the defendant and the organization or agency. The court shall ensure that the defendant is provided a written statement of the terms of the community service order and that the community service order is monitored.
(c) Any organization or agency acting in good faith to which a defendant is assigned pursuant to an order under this subsection has immunity from any civil liability in excess of $25,000 for act or omissions by or impacting on the defendant.
All |
Not specified. In the discretion of the court at time of sentencing under this statute. |
Not provided for | Not provided for | Not provided for | No |
Defendant must complete a number of hours of community service work. The number of hours is determined by the court and should not exceed what would be reasonable given the severity of the crime.
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Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. § 938.235(8)(b) | Compensation for guardian ad litem |
The court may order either or both of the parents of a juvenile for whom a guardian ad litem is appointed under this chapterto pay all or any part of + See morethe compensation of the guardian ad litem. Upon motion by the guardian ad litem, the court may order either or both of the parents of the juvenile to pay the fee for an expert witness used by the guardian ad litem, if the guardian ad litem shows that the use of the expert is necessary to assist the guardian ad litem in performing his or her functions or duties under this chapter. If one or both of the parents are indigent or if the court determines that it would be unfair to a parent to require him or her to pay, the court may order the county of venue to pay the compensation and fees, in whole or in part. If the court orders the county of venue to pay, the court may also order either or both of the parents to reimburse the county, in whole or in part, for the payment.
All |
Not specified. |
Not provided for | Not provided for | Determined by judge without hearing | No |
The court may order the county of venue to pay instead. |
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Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. § 814.29(1) | Security for costs, service and fees for indigents |
1) (a) Except as provided in sub. (1m), any person may commence, prosecute or defend any action or special proceeding in any court, or any writ of error or appeal + See moretherein, without beingrequired to give security for costs or to pay any service or fee, upon order of the court based on a finding that because of poverty the person is unable to pay the costs of the action or special proceeding, or any writ of error or appeal therein, or to give security for those costs.
(b) A person seeking an order under par. (a) shall file in the court an affidavit in the form prescribed by the judicial conference, setting forth briefly the nature of the cause, defense or appeal and facts demonstrating his or her poverty.
(c) The finding and order of the court under par. (a) shall be in the form prescribed by the judicial conference. The court may deny the request for an order if the court finds that the affidavit states no claim, defense or appeal upon which the court may grant relief.
(d) The court shall make a finding of poverty and issue an order
under par. (a) if the affidavit demonstrates any of the following:
1. That the person is a recipient of means?tested public assistance,
including aid to families with dependent children, relief
funded by a relief block grant under ch. 49, relief provided by
counties under s. 59.53 (21), medical assistance, supplemental
security income, food stamps or benefits received by veterans
under s. 45.40 (1m) or under 38 USC 501 to 562 [38 USC 1501
to 1562].
2. That the person is represented by an attorney through a
legal services program for indigent persons, including, without
limitation, those funded by the federal legal services corporation,
the state public defender or volunteer attorney programs based on
3. That the person is otherwise unable, because of poverty, to
pay the costs of the action, proceeding or appeal or to give security
for those costs. In determining the persons ability under this subdivision
to pay or give security for fees and costs, the court shall
consider the persons household size, income, expenses, assets
and debts and the federal poverty guidelines under 42 USC 9902
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In determining the persons ability under this subdivision and the federal poverty guidelines under 42 USC 9902
(2). |
Not provided for | Burden on defendant to show inability to pay | Determined by judge without hearing | No | Not provided for |
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Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. § 800.09(1g) | Judgment |
The court may defer payment of any judgment or provide for installment payments. At the time that the judgment is rendered, the court shall inform the defendant, orally and in + See morewriting, of the date by which restitution and the payment of the forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814, must be made, and of the possible consequences of failure to do so in timely fashion, including imprisonment, as provided in s.800.095, or suspension of the defendants motor vehicle operating privilege, as provided in sub. (1b) (c), if applicable. In addition, the court shall inform the defendant, orally and in writing, that the defendant should notify the court if he or she is unable to pay the judgment because of poverty, as that term is used in s. 814.29 (1)(d), and that he or she may request community service in lieu of payment of the judgment. If the defendant is not present, the court shall ensure that the information is sent to the defendant by mail. If the defendant is present and the court, using the criteria in s. 814.29 (1) (d), determines that the defendant is unable to pay the judgment because of poverty, the court shall provide the defendant with an opportunity to pay the judgment in installments, taking into account the defendants income, or to perform communityservice in lieu of payment of the judgment. In 1st class cities, all of the written information required by this subsection shall be printed in English and Spanish and provided to each defendant.
All |
Not specified. |
Before imposition of fine or fee | Not provided for | Other | No |
The court may impose community service if the defendant is unable to complete payment of the judgment |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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