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Below are the collections infrastructure provisions that meet your search criteria.
8 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | |
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 59-1-29 | Collection of such fees |
Each clerk of the county commission, sheriff, clerk of the circuit court and prosecuting attorney shall have charge of and collect the fees, costs, percentages, penalties, commissions, allowances, compensation, income and all other perquisites of whatever kind which are now or may hereafter be allowed by law. Whenever there remain due the county and unpaid, for a period of more than six months, any fees, costs, percentages, penalties, commissions, allowances, compensation, income or any other perquisites of any kind, it shall be the duty of the county commission, or other tribunal in lieu thereof, by the prosecuting attorney, to proceed to the collection thereof in the circuit court or magistrate court, upon motion whereof the defendant and the sureties on his bond shall have at least twenty days’ notice, or in any other manner provided for by law, and the amount so collected shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the general county fund.
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 62-4-8 | Duties of prosecuting attorney in relation to fines |
It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney of every county to institute and prosecute in the circuit court, or other court having jurisdiction thereof, as the case may be, proper proceedings for the recovery of all fines imposed by law, where the cases are cognizable in such court. He shall superintend the issuing of executions on judgments for fines rendered by such courts, and cause all delinquencies in relation to the service or return of such executions to be duly prosecuted. If judgment be rendered by the circuit or other court for a fine, whether with or without imprisonment, a docket fee of ten dollars for the prosecuting attorney’s services, but payable into the county treasury, shall be taxed in the costs against the offender.
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 62-4-4 | Recovery of fines before justice [magistrate] or in court |
Where a fine alone is imposed, if it be in a case mentioned in section one [§ 50-18-1, repealed], article eighteen, chapter fifty of this code, it may be recovered upon warrant of a justice [magistrate] having jurisdiction; and whether so mentioned or not, it may be recovered by presentment or indictment in the circuit court, or other court of record having jurisdiction in criminal cases, in the county wherein the offense was committed.
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 62-4-11 | Fieri facias for collection of fines |
On every judgment for a fine rendered by a circuit court, or other court of record having jurisdiction in criminal cases, if no special order be made by the court or judge, the clerk of the court shall issue a writ of fieri facias immediately after the term at which such judgment was rendered. And unless paid in court, a payment to any person other than the officer who holds the execution shall not discharge the judgment.
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 50-3-6 | Collection of costs and fines |
On motion of the prosecuting attorney, the magistrate court may issue execution or employ other means of enforcing judgment to collect fines and costs imposed in proceedings before the court and tax the cost thereof as a part of the execution or other process. Such execution or other process shall be directed to the sheriff for collection. The sheriff shall collect the fees prescribed for his services from the party from whom the fine or costs are being collected. Money so collected shall be paid by the sheriff to the magistrate court and shall be paid by the magistrate court in the manner provided by law.
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 59-1-21 | Fee bills of county clerk. |
The clerk of the county court may make out tickets for his fees and place them in the hands of the sheriff, or other officer, to be collected and accounted for in the same manner that the fees of the clerk of the circuit court are collected and accounted for. The clerk of the county court shall be subject to the same penalties as the clerk of the circuit court for issuing fee bills wrongfully.
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 59-1-24 | Collection of fees; receipt. |
Every officer mentioned in this article shall, on or before the first day of July in any year, deliver fee bills for all fees then due and unpaid, duly signed, to any sheriff or collector of the public taxes, who shall receive and endeavor to collect the same. A sheriff or collector may distrain therefor, or for any fee bills due himself, such property of the person to whom the fees are charged as might be levied on under a writ of fieri facias against him, except as hereinafter mentioned, and the fourteenth [§ 11-9-14], fifteenth [§ 11-9-15] and sixteenth [§ 11-9-16] sections of article nine chapter eleven of this Code shall apply to such fee bills in like manner as to taxes. Every such officer shall deliver to each person who pays him, or from whose property he makes such fees, a receipt for all that is so paid or made.
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West Virginia | W. Va. Code § 59-1-12 | Payment of fines by credit card or payment plan |
A circuit court may accept credit cards in payment of all fines, cost, forfeiture, restitution or penalties. The Supreme Court of Appeals shall adopt rules regarding the use of credit or check cards to pay fines, and any charges made by the credit card company may be paid from the gross credit card collections.