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4 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | |
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Alabama | ARJA Rule 38 | Contract with private collectors |
The administrative director of courts (ADC) may contract with any collection agent or agencies for the collection of any assessments, costs, fees, fines, or forfeitures that are due to be + See morepaid to the state, county, or municipal governments or to any agency or subdivision of these governments as a result of any court action or proceedings.The ADC may enter into one contract applicable to all jurisdictions or may enter into a contract or contracts applicable to one or more jurisdictions.
No contract for the collection of assessments, costs, fees, fines, or forfeitures pursuant to this rule shall permit the collection agent or agency to receive a commission in excess of 30 percent of the amount collected. When only a portion of any assessment, cost, fee, fine, or forfeiture is collected pursuant to this rule, the commission shall be deducted pro rata from the amount due to be paid to each governmental entity (state, county, or municipal government or any agency or subdivision of these governments) entitled to a portion of the amount collected.
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-5-10 | Responsibilities of the court |
In addition to any other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to the Administrative Director of Courts by the Chief Justice, he shall have the following duties and authority + See morewith respect to all courts, subject to the direction of the Chief Justice: (12) To take necessary steps in the collection of unpaid court costs, fines and forfeitures;
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-17-225.1 | Restitution recovery division |
Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, each district attorney may establish a special division designated the “restitution recovery division” for the administration, collection, and enforcement of court costs, fines, penalty + See morepayments, victim compensation assessments, bail bond forfeitures, restitution, or like payments in civil or criminal proceedings ordered by the court and payable to the state or to crime victims, or judgements entered which have not been otherwise vacated, or judicial relief given from the operation of the order or judgement.
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 15-18-64(a) | Court jurisdiction over collection |
In every instance, the court shall retain jurisdiction of any person who reaches the end of his or her sentence, received a termination of supervised or unsupervised parole or supervised or unsupervised probation, or in any way has completed all terms of his or her sentence or incarceration pursuant to Act 2015-185 or any other provision of law for the purposes of the enforcement of a court order related to uncollected court-ordered fines, fees, costs, or restitution, pursuant to Division 4 of Article 6 of Chapter 17 of Title 12 and Article 4A of Chapter 18 of this title.