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Below are the fees and fines that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
55 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Amount | Level of offense | Mandatory | Imposed by | Delegation of authority | |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-7-39 | desecration of national or state flag prohibited |
shall also forfeit a penalty in the discretion of the court, of not more than fifty dollars ($ 50.00) for each such offense, to be recovered with costs in a + See morecivil action or suit
$0 - $50 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-15-29 (4)(d) | Littering highways and private property with trash or substance likely to cause fire; fees | Pay all reasonable investigative and prosecutorial expenses and costs to the investigative and/or prosecutorial agency or agencies. |
Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-15-29 (7) | Littering highways and private property with trash or substance likely to cause fire; fees | There shall be imposed and collected an assessment of Fifty Dollars ($ 50.00) on each violation of this section. | $50 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-15-30 (3)(d)(iv) | Penalties for unauthorized dumping of solid wastes | Pay all reasonable investigative and prosecutorial expenses and costs to the investigative and/or prosecutorial agency or agencies. |
Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-15-32 (3)(d) | Dumping of dead wildlife, wildlife parts or waste in or on highways, private property, lakes, navigable waters, etc. | Pay all reasonable investigative and prosecutorial expenses and costs to the investigative and/or prosecutorial agency or agencies. |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-17-43 (3)(d) | Petit larceny; theft of motor fuel |
At the expiration of the suspension period, and upon payment of a restoration fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($ 25.00), the suspension shall terminate and the Department of Public Safety shall + See morereturn the person's driver's license to the person.
$25 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-17-71.1 (4)(c)(i) | Failure of scrap metal dealer to register with office of Secretary of State; | administrative penalty up to a maximum of One Thousand Dollars ($ 1,000.00) for each offense | $0 - $1000 | Misdemeanor | No | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-17-71.1 (4)(c)(i) | Failure of scrap metal dealer to register with office of Secretary of State; | reimbursement for all costs and expenses incurred in the investigation of the violation and any administrative proceedings |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-67 (4) | Bad checks, electronically converted checks, electronic commercial debits |
when the prosecution of such person was commenced by the filing of a complaint with the court by the district attorney under the provisions of Section 97-19-79, the court shall, + See morein addition to any other fine, fee, cost or penalty which may be imposed under this section or as otherwise provided by law, and in addition to any order as the court may enter under subsection (3) of this section requiring the offender to pay restitution under Sections 99-37-1 through 99-37-23, impose a fee in the amount up to eighty-five percent (85%) of the face amount of the check, draft, order, electronically converted check, or electronic commercial debit for which the offender was convicted of drawing, making, issuing, uttering, delivering or authorizing in violation of Section 97-19-55.
85% of value
Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (4)(a) | Bad check restitution procedures; not a casino marker; voluntary surrender | service charge in the amount of Forty Dollars ($ 40.00) to the district attorney and by execution of a restitution agreement as hereinafter provided. | $40 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (4)(b)(i) | Bad check restitution procedures; casino marker; voluntary surrender; value $100 or less |
service charge in the amount [Forty Dollars ($ 40.00), if the amount of the check or draft is equal to or less than One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00)] to the + See moredistrict attorney and by execution of a restitution agreement as hereinafter provided
$40 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (4)(b)(ii) | Bad check restitution procedures; casino marker; voluntary surrender; value between $100 and $300 |
service charge in the amount [Fifty Dollars ($ 50.00), if the face amount of the check or draft is more than One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00) but does not exceed + See moreThree Hundred Dollars ($ 300.00)] to the district attorney and by execution of a restitution agreement as hereinafter provided
$50 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (4)(b)(iii) | Bad check restitution procedures; casino marker; voluntary surrender; value between $300 and $1,000 |
service charge in the amount [Seventy-five Dollars ($ 75.00), if the face amount of the check or draft is more than Three Hundred Dollars ($ 300.00) but does not exceed + See moreOne Thousand Dollars ($ 1,000.00)] to the district attorney and by execution of a restitution agreement as hereinafter provided
$75 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (4)(b)(iv) | Bad check restitution procedures; casino marker; voluntary surrender; value between $1,000 and $2,500 |
service charge in the amount [One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($ 150.00), if the face amount of the check or draft is more than One Thousand Dollars ($ 1,000.00) but does + See morenot exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($ 2,500.00)] to the district attorney and by execution of a restitution agreement as hereinafter provided
$150 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (4)(b)(v) | Bad check restitution procedures; casino marker; voluntary surrender; value between $2,500 and $10,000 |
service charge in the amount [ Five Hundred Dollars ($ 500.00), if the face amount of the check or draft is more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($ 2,500.00) + See morebut does not exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($ 10,000.00)] to the district attorney and by execution of a restitution agreement as hereinafter provided
$500 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (4)(b)(vi) | Bad check restitution procedures; casino marker; voluntary surrender; value greater than $10,000 |
service charge in the amount [Ten percent (10%) of the face amount of the check or draft, if the face amount of the check or draft is more than Ten + See moreThousand Dollars ($ 10,000.00)] to the district attorney and by execution of a restitution agreement as hereinafter provided
10% of value
Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-75 (5) | Bad check restitution procedures; | plus a service charge payable to the complainant in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($ 30.00) | $30 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-81 | Right of lender to add fee to amount of loan when payment on loan made with bad check |
the lender shall be authorized to add the actual amount of such fee or service charge up to a maximum amount of Fifteen Dollars ($ 15.00) to the principal of + See morethe unpaid balance of the loan or extension of credit.
$0 - $15 | Misdemeanor | No | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-35-41 | Vagrants; penalty for second offense; payment of costs in all cases | in addition to being committed to jail is herein provided, such person shall also pay all costs, and shall stand committed until same is paid |
all costs
Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 95-5-10 (3) | Cutting trees without consent of owner | All reasonable expert witness fees and attorney's fees shall be assessed as court costs in the discretion of the court. |
reasonable costs of expert witness fees and attorney's fees
Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | no |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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