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Below are the fees and fines that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
14 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Amount | Level of offense | Mandatory | Imposed by | Delegation of authority | |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 20-179(f3) | Aggravated Level One Punishment for impaired driving |
A defendant subject to Aggravated Level One punishment may be fined up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment that includes a minimum + See moreterm of not less than 12 months and a maximum term of not more than 36 months.
$0 - $10000 | All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 20-179(g) | Level One Punishment for impaired driving |
A defendant subject to Level One punishment may be fined up to four thousand dollars ($4,000) and shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment that includes a minimum term + See moreof not less than 30 days and a maximum term of not more than 24 months.
$0 - $40000 | All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 20-179(h) | Level Two Punishment for impaired driving |
A defendant subject to Level Two punishment may be fined up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) and shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment that includes a minimum term + See moreof not less than seven days and a maximum term of not more than 12 months.
$0 - $2000 | All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 20-179(i) | Level Three Punishment for impaired driving |
A defendant subject to Level Three punishment may be fined up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) and shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment that includes a minimum term + See moreof not less than 72 hours and a maximum term of not more than six months.
$0 - $1000 | All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 20-179(j) | Level Four Punishment for impaired driving |
A defendant subject to Level Four punishment may be fined up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) and shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment that includes a minimum term + See moreof not less than 48 hours and a maximum term of not more than 120 days.
$0 - $500 | All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 20-179(k) | Level Five Punishment for impaired driving |
A defendant subject to Level Five punishment may be fined up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) and shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment that includes a minimum term + See moreof not less than 24 hours and a maximum term of not more than 60 days.
$0 - $200 | All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 5A-12 | Criminal contempt |
(a) A person who commits criminal contempt, whether direct or indirect, is subject to censure, imprisonment up to 30 days, fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or any + See morecombination of the three, except that:(1) A person who commits a contempt described in G.S. 5A-11(8) is subject to censure, imprisonment not to exceed 6 months, fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or any combination of the three;
(2) A person who has not been arrested who fails to comply with a nontestimonial identification order, issued pursuant to Article 14 of Chapter 15A of the General Statutes is subject to censure, imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or any combination of the three; and
(3) A person who commits criminal contempt by failing to comply with an order to pay child support is subject to censure, imprisonment up to 30 days, fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or any combination of the three. However, a sentence of imprisonment up to 120 days may be imposed for a single act of criminal contempt resulting from the failure to pay child support, provided the sentence is suspended upon conditions reasonably related to the contemnor's payment of child support.
$0 - $500 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 14-4 | Violation of local ordinances misdemeanor |
a) Except as provided in subsection (b), if any person shall violate an ordinance of a county, city, town, or metropolitan sewerage district created under Article 5 of Chapter 162A, + See morehe shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). No fine shall exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) unless the ordinance expressly states that the maximum fine is greater than fifty dollars ($50.00).(b) If any person shall violate an ordinance of a county, city, or town regulating the operation or parking of vehicles, he shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be required to pay a penalty of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00).
$0 - $50 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 15A-1340.23(b) | Punishment limits for each class of offense and prior conviction level |
Any judgment that includes a sentence of imprisonment may also include a fine. Additionally, when the defendant is other than an individual, the judgment may consist of a fine only. + See moreIf a community punishment is authorized, the judgment may consist of a fine only. Unless otherwise provided for a specific offense, the maximum fine that may be imposed is two hundred dollars ($200.00) for a Class 3 misdemeanor and one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a Class 2 misdemeanor. The amount of the fine for a Class 1 misdemeanor and a Class A1 misdemeanor is in the discretion of the court.
$200 - $1000
$200.00 for a Class 3 misdemeanor and one thousand dollars $1,000 for a Class 2 misdemeanor. The amount of the fine for a Class 1 misdemeanor and a Class A1 misdemeanor is in the discretion of the court
All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 90-95.3(a) | Restitution to law-enforcement agencies for undercover purchases |
When any person is convicted of an offense under this Article, the court may order him to make restitution to any law-enforcement agency for reasonable expenditures made in purchasing controlled + See moresubstances from him or his agent as part of an investigation leading to his conviction.
Cost of restitution
All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 90-95.3(c) | restitution for seizure and cleanup of clandestine laboratories |
When any person is convicted of an offense under this Article involving the manufacture of controlled substances, the court must order the person to make restitution for the actual cost + See moreof cleanup to the law enforcement agency that cleaned up any clandestine laboratory used to manufacture the controlled substances, including personnel overtime, equipment, and supplies.
Cost of restitution
All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 148-33.2(b) | Restitution by prisoners with work-release privileges |
(b) As a rehabilitative measure, the Secretary of Public Safety is authorized to require any prisoner granted work-release privileges to make restitution or reparation to an aggrieved party from any + See moreearnings gained by the defendant while on work release when the sentencing court recommends that restitution or reparation be paid by the defendant out of any earnings gained by the defendant if he is granted work-release privileges and out of other resources of the defendant, including all real and personal property owned by the defendant and the income derived from such property. The Secretary shall not be bound by such recommendation, but if they elect not to implement the recommendation, they shall state in writing the reasons therefor, and shall forward the same to the sentencing court.
Cost of restitution
All | No | Court | N/A |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 148-33.2(b) | Restitution by prisoners with work-release privileges |
(c) When an active sentence is imposed, the court shall consider whether, as a rehabilitative measure, it should recommend to the Secretary of Public Safety that restitution or reparation be + See moremade by the defendant out of any earnings gained by the defendant if he is granted work-release privileges and out of other resources of the defendant, including all real and personal property owned by the defendant, and income derived from such property. If the court determines that restitution or reparation should not be recommended, it shall so indicate on the commitment. If, however, the court determines that restitution or reparation should be recommended, the court shall make its recommendation a part of the order committing the defendant to custody. The recommendation shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of G.S. 15A-1343(d) and Article 81C of Chapter 15A of the General Statutes. If the offense is one in which there is evidence of physical, mental or sexual abuse of a minor, the court may order the defendant to pay from work release earnings the cost of rehabilitative treatment for the minor. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall prepare and distribute forms which provide ample space to make restitution or reparation recommendations incident to commitments, which forms shall be conveniently structured to enable the sentencing court to make its recommendation.
Cost of restitution
All | No | Court |
(d) The Secretary of Public Safety shall establish rules and regulations to implement this section, which shall include adequate notice to the prisoner that the payment of restitution or reparation + See morefrom any earnings gained by the prisoner while on work release is being considered as a condition of any work-release privileges granted the prisoner, and opportunity for the prisoner to be heard. Such rules and regulations shall also provide additional methods whereby facts may be obtained to supplement the recommendation of the sentencing court.
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 58-19-50 | Insurance holding company - Sanctions |
(d) Whenever it appears to the Commissioner that any insurer or any director, officer, employee, or agent thereof has knowingly and willfully committed a violation of this Article, the Commissioner + See moremay cause criminal proceedings to be instituted by the Superior Court of Wake County against such insurer or the responsible director, officer, employee, or agent thereof. Any insurer that knowingly and willfully violates this Article may be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any individual who knowingly and willfully violates this Article is guilty of a Class I felony.
$0 - $1000 | All | No | Court | N/A |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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