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Below are the fees and fines that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
53 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Amount | Level of offense | Mandatory | Imposed by | Delegation of authority | |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.018(2)(a) | Maximum fine, Class A violation | Except as otherwise provided by law, the maximum fine for a violation committed by an individual is:(a) $2,000 for a Class A violation. [see also 153.019(a), 153.020(1), and 153.021(1)(a)] |
$220 - $2000
Presumptive fine is $435 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.018(2)(b) | Maximum fine, Class B violation |
Except as otherwise provided by law, the maximum fine for a violation committed by an individual is:(b) $1,000 for a Class B violation. [see also 153.019(b), 153.020(2), and + See more153.021(1)(b)]
$130 - $1000
Presumptive fine is $520 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.018(2)(c) | Maximum fine, Class C violation | Except as otherwise provided by law, the maximum fine for a violation committed by an individual is:(c) $500 for a Class C violation. [see also 153.019(c), 153.020(3), and 153.021(1)(c)] |
$80 - $500
Presumptive fine is $160 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.018(2)(d) | Maximum fine, Class D violation | Except as otherwise provided by law, the maximum fine for a violation committed by an individual is:(d) $250 for a Class D violation. [see also 153.019(d), 153.020(4), and 153.021(1)(d)] |
$60 - $250
Presumptive fine is $110 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.018(2)(e) | Maximum fine, unclassified violation |
Except as otherwise provided by law, the maximum fine for a violation committed by an individual is:(e) $2,000 for a specific fine violation, or the maximum amount otherwise established by + See morelaw for the specific fine violation.
$0 - $2000
Presumptive fine |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.019(1)(a) | Presumptive fine, Class A violation | (1) Except as provided in ORS 153.020 (Presumptive fines), the presumptive fines for violations are:(a) $435 for a Class A violation. [see also 153.018(a), 153.020(1), and 153.021(1)(a)] |
$220 - $2000
Presumptive fine is $435 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.019(1)(b) | Presumptive fine, Class B violation | (1) Except as provided in ORS 153.020 (Presumptive fines), the presumptive fines for violations are:(b) $260 for a Class B violation. [see also 153.018(b), 153.020(2), and 153.021(1)(b)] |
$130 - $1000
Presumptive fine is $520 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.019(1)(c) | Presumptive fine, Class C violation | (1) Except as provided in ORS 153.020 (Presumptive fines), the presumptive fines for violations are:(c) $160 for a Class C violation. [see also 153.018(c), 153.020(3), and 153.021(1)(c)] |
$80 - $500
Presumptive fine is $160 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.019(1)(d) | Presumptive fine, Class D violation | (1) Except as provided in ORS 153.020 (Presumptive fines), the presumptive fines for violations are:(d) $110 for a Class D violation. [see also 153.018(d), 153.020(4), and 153.021(1)(d)] |
$60 - $250
Presumptive fine is $110 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.019(2)(a) | Presumptive fine, other violation | (2) The presumptive fine for a specific fine violation is:(a) The amount specified by statute as the presumptive fine for the violation; or |
$0 - $2000
Presumptive fine is amount specified by statute or otherwise the greater of 20 percent of the maximum fine or the minimum amount defined by the statute
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.019(2)(b) | Presumptive fine, other violation |
(2) The presumptive fine for a specific fine violation is:(b) An amount equal to the greater of 20 percent of the maximum fine prescribed for the violation, or the minimum + See morefine prescribed by statute for the violation.
$0 - $2000
Presumptive fine is amount specified by statute or otherwise the greater of 20 percent of the maximum fine or the minimum amount defined by the statute
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.020(1) | Presumptive fines in certain areas, Class A violation |
If a person is charged with a traffic violation, as defined in ORS 801.557 (Traffic violation), and the enforcement officer issuing the citation notes on the citation that the offense + See moreoccurred in a highway work zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.230 (Definitions), occurred in a posted school zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.235 (Fine for traffic offenses in school zones), or occurred in a safety corridor and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.483 (Safety corridors), the presumptive fine for the violation is:(1) $870 for a Class A violation.
$220 - $2000
Presumptive fine is $435 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.020(2) | Presumptive fines in certain areas, Class B violation |
If a person is charged with a traffic violation, as defined in ORS 801.557 (Traffic violation), and the enforcement officer issuing the citation notes on the citation that the offense + See moreoccurred in a highway work zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.230 (Definitions), occurred in a posted school zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.235 (Fine for traffic offenses in school zones), or occurred in a safety corridor and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.483 (Safety corridors), the presumptive fine for the violation is: (2) $520 for a Class B violation.
$130 - $1000
Presumptive fine is $520 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.020(3) | Presumptive fines in certain areas, Class C violation |
If a person is charged with a traffic violation, as defined in ORS 801.557 (Traffic violation), and the enforcement officer issuing the citation notes on the citation that the offense + See moreoccurred in a highway work zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.230 (Definitions), occurred in a posted school zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.235 (Fine for traffic offenses in school zones), or occurred in a safety corridor and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.483 (Safety corridors), the presumptive fine for the violation is:(3) $320 for a Class C violation.
$80 - $500
Presumptive fine is $160 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.020(4) | Presumptive fines in certain areas, Class D violation |
If a person is charged with a traffic violation, as defined in ORS 801.557 (Traffic violation), and the enforcement officer issuing the citation notes on the citation that the offense + See moreoccurred in a highway work zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.230 (Definitions), occurred in a posted school zone and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.235 (Fine for traffic offenses in school zones), or occurred in a safety corridor and is subject to the provisions of ORS 811.483 (Safety corridors), the presumptive fine for the violation is:(4) $220 for a Class D violation. [2011 c.597 §3; 2012 c.89 §10]
$60 - $250
Presumptive fine is $110 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | Yes |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.021(1)(a) | Minimum fine, Class A violation |
(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, a court may not defer, waive, suspend or otherwise reduce the fine for a violation that is subject to the presumptive fines established + See moreby ORS 153.019 (Presumptive fines) (1) or 153.020 (Presumptive fines) to an amount that is less than:(a) $220 for a Class A violation. [see also 153.018(a), 153.019(1)(a), and 153.020(1)]
$220 - $2000
Presumptive fine is $435 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | No |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.021(1)(b) | Minimum fine, Class B violation |
(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, a court may not defer, waive, suspend or otherwise reduce the fine for a violation that is subject to the presumptive fines established + See moreby ORS 153.019 (Presumptive fines) (1) or 153.020 (Presumptive fines) to an amount that is less than:(b) $130 for a Class B violation. [see also 153.018(b), 153.019(1)(b), and 153.020(2)]
$130 - $1000
Presumptive fine is $520 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | No |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.021(1)(c) | Minimum fine, Class C violation |
(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, a court may not defer, waive, suspend or otherwise reduce the fine for a violation that is subject to the presumptive fines established + See moreby ORS 153.019 (Presumptive fines) (1) or 153.020 (Presumptive fines) to an amount that is less than:(c) $80 for a Class C violation. [see also 153.018(c), 153.019(1)(c), and 153.020(3)]
$80 - $500
Presumptive fine is $160 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | No |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.021(1)(d) | Minimum fine, Class D violation |
(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, a court may not defer, waive, suspend or otherwise reduce the fine for a violation that is subject to the presumptive fines established + See moreby ORS 153.019 (Presumptive fines) (1) or 153.020 (Presumptive fines) to an amount that is less than:(d) $60 for a Class D violation. [see also 153.018(d), 153.019(1)(d), and 153.020(4)]
$60 - $250
Presumptive fine is $110 |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | No |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.021(2) | Minimum fine, unclassified violation |
(2)Except as otherwise provided by law, a court may not defer, waive, suspend or otherwise reduce the fine for a specific fine violation to an amount that is less than + See more20 percent of the presumptive fine for the violation.
$0 - $2000
Presumptive fine is amount specified by statute or otherwise the greater of 20 percent of the maximum fine or the minimum amount defined by the statute
Misdemeanor | No | Court | No |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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