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Below are the fees and fines that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
11 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Amount | Level of offense | Mandatory | Imposed by | Delegation of authority | |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 23-3-540(K) | Electronic monitoring; reporting damage to or removing monitoring device; penalty. |
(K) The person must be charged for the cost of the active electronic monitoring device and the operation of the active electronic monitoring device for the duration of the time + See morethe person is required to be electronically monitored. The Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services may exempt a person from the payment of a part or all of the cost during a part or all of the duration of the time the person is required to be electronically monitored, if the Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services determines that exceptional circumstances exist such that these payments cause a severe hardship to the person. The payment of the cost must be a condition of supervision of the person and a delinquency of two months or more in making payments may operate as a violation of a term or condition of the electronic monitoring. All fees generated by this subsection must be retained by the Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services, carried forward, and applied to support the active electronic monitoring of sex offenders.
cost of the active electronic monitoring device and the operation of the active electronic monitoring device
All | Yes | State/statewide agency | Delegation to Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 17-22-110 | Pretrial intervention program fees for application and participation; waiver. |
An applicant to an intervention program or an offender who applies to the chief administrative judge of the court of general sessions for admission to a program pursuant to Section + See more17-22-100 shall pay a nonrefundable application fee of one hundred dollars and, if accepted into the program, a nonrefundable participation fee of two hundred fifty dollars prior to admission. All fees paid must be deposited into a special circuit solicitor's fund for operation of the pretrial intervention program. All fees or costs of supervision may be waived partially or totally by the solicitor in cases of indigency. The solicitor may also, if he determines necessary, in situations other than indigency allow scheduling of payments in lieu of lump sum payment. In no case shall aggregate fees for application and participation in an intervention program exceed three hundred fifty dollars. However, in cases where the solicitor determines that referral to another agency or program is needed to achieve rehabilitation for a problem directly related to the charge, the defendant may be required to pay his participation in that special program, except that no services may be denied due to inability to pay.
$100 - $350
+ See more
$100 application fee and $250 participation fee |
All | Yes | Court | No |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 17-22-350(A) | Traffic education program fees; waiver; distribution of fee proceeds. |
(A) A person shall pay a nonrefundable one hundred forty-dollar fee to apply for a traffic education program that cannot be reduced or suspended. Additionally, a person shall pay a + See morenonrefundable fee, not to exceed one hundred forty dollars, to participate in a traffic education program. Participation in a traffic education program may not be denied due to a person's inability to pay. If a person is deemed unable to pay, both the application fee and the participation fee must be waived.
$140 - $280
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$140 application fee and $140 participation fee |
All | Yes | Court | No |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 17-22-550 | Alcohol education fees; waiver. |
A person shall pay a two-hundred-fifty-dollar fee to enroll in an alcohol education program. All fees must be deposited into a special circuit solicitor's fund for operation of the alcohol + See moreeducation program. In cases when the solicitor contracts with education and supervision providers, the person also may be subject to additional fees payable to the provider of these services. However, participation in an alcohol education program may not be denied due to a person's inability to pay these fees. If a person is deemed unable to pay, the fees for enrollment, education, and supervision services may be waived or reduced at the discretion of each solicitor.
service providers may charge additional fees |
All | Yes | Court | Delegation to service providers to charge additional fees |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 17-25-150(B) | Responsibilities of program; mandatory community penalty plan provisions; limitation upon use of funds. |
(B) Every community penalty plan must include the following:....(4) payment of such fees and costs of the program by the offender unless the court grants a waiver due to indigency. + See moreProcedures for collecting a fee from offenders must be implemented based on a sliding scale according to income and ability to pay;
fees and costs of program
All | Yes | State/statewide agency | delegation to the community penalties program |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 24-21-80 | Probationers and parolees to pay supervision fee; intensive supervision fee; hardship exemption; delinquencies; substitution of public service. |
An adult placed on probation, parole, or community supervision shall pay a regular supervision fee toward offsetting the cost of his supervision for so long as he remains under supervision. + See moreThe regular supervision fee must be determined by the Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services based upon the ability of the person to pay. The fee must be not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars per month. The fee is due on the date of sentencing or as soon as determined by the department and each subsequent anniversary for the duration of the supervision period. The department shall remit from the fees collected an amount not to exceed the regular supervision fees collected during fiscal year 1992-93 for credit to the State General Fund. All regular supervision fees collected in excess of the fiscal year 1992-93 amount must be retained by the department, carried forward, and applied to the department's operation. The payment of the fee must be a condition of probation, parole, or community supervision, and a delinquency of two months or more in making payments may operate as a revocation.
$20 - $100
per month |
All | Yes | State/statewide agency | delegation to Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 24-21-80 | Probationers and parolees to pay supervision fee; intensive supervision fee; hardship exemption; delinquencies; substitution of public service. |
If a probationer is placed under intensive supervision by a court of competent jurisdiction, or if the board places a parolee under intensive supervision, or if an inmate who is + See moreparticipating in the Supervised Furlough Program is placed under intensive supervision, or if a person participating in a community supervision program is placed under intensive supervision, the probationer, parolee, inmate, or community supervisee is required to pay not less than ten dollars nor more than thirty dollars each week for the duration of intensive supervision in lieu of the regular supervision fee. The intensive supervision fee must be determined by the department based upon the ability of the person to pay. Fees derived from persons under intensive supervision must be retained by the department, carried forward, and applied to the department's operation. The department may exempt any individual supervised by the department on any community supervision program from the payment of a part or all of the yearly or weekly fee during any part or all of the supervision period only if the department determines that exceptional circumstances exist such that these payments work a severe hardship on the individual. Delinquencies of two months or more in payment of a reduced fee operates in the same manner as delinquencies for the full amount. The department may substitute public service employment for supervision fees when it considers the same to be in the best interest of the State and the individual.
$10 - $30
per week |
All | Yes | State/statewide agency | delegation to Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 24-21-85 | Electronic monitoring fees. |
Every person placed on electronic monitoring must be assessed a fee to be determined by the Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services in accordance with Section 24-21-80, as long + See moreas he remains in the electronic monitoring program. The payment of the fee must be a condition of supervision of any program administered by the department and a delinquency of two months or more in making payments may operate as a revocation. All fees generated by this assessment must be retained by the department to support the electronic monitoring program and carried forward for the same purpose.
fee to be determined by the Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services
All | Yes | State/statewide agency | delegation to Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 24-21-100(B) | Administrative monitoring when fines outstanding; fee. |
(B) An individual placed on administrative monitoring shall pay a regular monitoring fee toward offsetting the cost of his administrative monitoring for the period of time that he remains under + See moremonitoring. The regular monitoring fee must be determined by the department based upon the ability of the person to pay. The fee must not be more than ten dollars a month. All regular monitoring fees must be retained by the department, carried forward, and applied to the department's operation.
$0 - $10
per month |
All | Yes | State/statewide agency | delegation to Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. § 24-21-480 | Restitution Center program fee. |
The offender must have paid employment and/or be required to perform public service employment up to a total of fifty hours per week.
The offender must deliver his salary to the + See morerestitution center staff who must distribute it in the following manner: 4) payment of a daily fee for housing and food. This fee may be set by the department with the approval of the Department of Administration. The fee must be based on the offender's ability to pay not to exceed the actual costs. This fee must be deposited by the department with the State Treasurer for credit to the same account as funds collected under Sections 14-1-210 through 14-1-230;
daily fee for housing and food
All | Yes | State/statewide agency | delegation to Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services |
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South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann § 16-25-20(G) | Domestic Violence Acts prohibited; penalties. |
(G) An offender who participates in a domestic violence intervention program pursuant to this section, shall participate in a program offered through a government agency, nonprofit organization, or private provider + See moreselected and approved by the Circuit Solicitor with jurisdiction over the offense or the Attorney General if the offense is prosecuted by the Attorney General's Office. If the offender moves to a different circuit after entering a treatment program selected by the Circuit Solicitor, the Circuit Solicitor for the county in which the offender resides shall have the authority to select and approve the batterer's treatment program. The offender shall pay a reasonable fee, if required, for participation in the program but no person may be denied participation due to inability to pay. If the offender suffers from a substance abuse problem or mental health concern, the judge may order, or the program may refer, the offender to supplemental treatment coordinated through the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services with the local alcohol and drug treatment authorities pursuant to Section 61-12-20 or the Department of Mental Health or Veterans' Hospital, respectively. The offender must pay a reasonable fee for participation in the substance abuse treatment or mental health program, if required, but no person may be denied participation due to inability to pay.
reasonable fee for batterer's treatment, substance abuse or mental health program
All | Yes | Court | No |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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