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Below are the fees and fines that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
52 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Amount | Level of offense | Mandatory | Imposed by | Delegation of authority | |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 102.014(d) | court costs for parent contributing to truancy |
A person convicted of an offense under Section 25.093, Education Code, shall pay as taxable court costs $20 in addition to other taxable court costs. The additional court costs under + See morethis subsection shall be collected in the same manner that other fines and taxable court costs in the case are collected.
$20 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 102.014(c) | court costs for school zone violation |
person convicted of an offense under Subtitle C, Title 7, Transportation Code, when the offense occurs within a school crossing zone . . . shall pay as court costs $25 + See morein addition to other taxable court costs . . .
$25 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 102.014(b) | court costs for traffic and safety violations |
The governing body of a municipality with a population greater than 850,000 according to the most recent federal decennial census that has adopted an ordinance, regulation, or order regulating the + See morestopping, standing, or parking of vehicles as allowed by Section 542.202, Transportation Code, or Chapter 682, Transportation Code, shall by order assess a court cost on each parking violation not less than $2 and not to exceed $5. . . the governing body of a municipality with a population less than 850,000 according to the most recent federal decennial census that has adopted an ordinance, regulation, or order regulating the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles as allowed by Section 542.202, Transportation Code, or Chapter 682, Transportation Code, may by order assess a court cost on each parking violation not to exceed $5. The additional court cost under this subsection shall be collected in the same manner that other fines in the case are collected.
$2 - $5 | Traffic | No | Court | Authority is delegated to municipality |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 26.05(g) | Compensation of Appointed Defense Counsel |
If the judge determines that a defendant has financial resources that enable the defendant to offset in part or in whole the costs of the legal services provided to the + See moredefendant in accordance with Article 1.051(c) or (d), including any expenses and costs, the judge shall order the defendant to pay during the pendency of the charges or, if convicted, as court costs, the amount that the judge finds the defendant is able to pay.
Cost of legal services defendant is able to pay
All | No | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.005(a) | Clerk of the court fee |
A defendant convicted of an offense in a county court, a county court at law, or a district court shall pay for the services of the clerk of the court + See morea fee of $40.
$40 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.005(f) | Records management and preservation fee |
A defendant convicted of an offense in a county court, a county court at law, or a district court shall pay a fee of $25 for records management and preservation + See moreservices performed by the county
$25 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.006 | Fees in expunction proceedings |
a petitioner seeking expunction of a criminal record shall pay the following fees: (1) the fee charged for filing an ex parte petition in a civil action in district + See morecourt; (2) $1 plus postage for each certified mailing of notice of the hearing date; and (3) $2 plus postage for each certified mailing of certified copies of an order of expunction.
$3 - $0
+ See moreplus postage & charge of filing ex parte petition |
All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.0169 | Technology fee |
A defendant convicted of a criminal offense in a county court, statutory county court, or district court shall pay a $4 county and district court technology fee as a cost + See moreof court.
$4 | All | Yes | Court | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 102.0172 - delegating authority to create additional technology fund and to set fee of 4 dollars or less |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.008 | Fees for services of prosecutors - misdemeanor/gambling offense |
a defendant convicted of a misdemeanor or a gambling offense shall pay a fee of $25 for the trying of the case by the district or county attorney. If + See morethe court appoints an attorney to represent the state in the absence of the district or county attorney, the appointed attorney is entitled to the fee otherwise due . . . (d) A defendant is liable for fees imposed by Subsection (a) if the defendant is convicted of an offense and: (1) the defendant does not appeal the conviction; or(2) the conviction is affirmed on appeal.
$25 | Misdemeanor | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.011 | Fees for services of peace officers |
A defendant convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor shall pay the following fees for services performed in the case by a peace officer: (1) $5 for issuing a + See morewritten notice to appear in court following the defendant's violation of a traffic law, municipal ordinance, or penal law of this state, or for making an arrest without a warrant;(2) $50 for executing or processing an issued arrest warrant, capias, or capias pro fine with the fee imposed for the services of:(A) the law enforcement agency that executed the arrest warrant or capias, if the agency requests of the court, not later than the 15th day after the date of the execution of the arrest warrant or capias, the imposition of the fee on conviction; or (B) the law enforcement agency that processed the arrest warrant or capias, if:(i) the arrest warrant or capias was not executed; or (ii) the executing law enforcement agency failed to request the fee within the period required by Paragraph (A) of this subdivision; (3) $5 for summoning a witness; (4) $35 for serving a writ not otherwise listed in this article; (5) $10 for taking and approving a bond and, if necessary, returning the bond to the courthouse;(6) $5 for commitment or release; (7) $5 for summoning a jury, if a jury is summoned; and(8) $8 for each day's attendance of a prisoner in a habeas corpus case if the prisoner has been remanded to custody or held to bail. (b) In addition to fees provided by Subsection (a) of this article, a defendant required to pay fees under this article shall also pay 29 cents per mile for mileage required of an officer to perform a service listed in this subsection and to return from performing that service. If the service provided is the execution of a writ and the writ is directed to two or more persons or the officer executes more than one writ in a case, the defendant is required to pay only mileage actually and necessarily traveled. . . . The defendant shall also pay all necessary and reasonable expenses for meals and lodging incurred . . . (c) If an officer attaches a witness on the order of a court outside the county, the defendant shall pay $10 per day or part of a day spent by the officer conveying the witness and actual necessary expenses for travel by the most practical public conveyance. In order to receive expenses under this subsection, the officer must make a sworn statement of the expenses and the judge issuing the attachment must approve the statement . . . (d) A defendant shall pay for the services of a sheriff or constable who serves process and attends an examining trial in a felony or a misdemeanor case the same fees allowed for those services in the trial of a felony or a misdemeanor, not to exceed $5 . . . (e) A fee under Subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this article shall be assessed on conviction, regardless of whether the defendant was also arrested at the same time for another offense, and shall be assessed for each arrest made of a defendant arising out of the offense for which the defendant has been convicted . . . (i) In addition . . . a defendant required to pay fees under this article shall also pay the costs of overtime paid to a peace officer for time spent testifying in the trial of the case or for traveling to or from testifying in the trial of the case.
$5 - $50 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.012 | Fees for pre-trial intervention |
A court that authorizes a defendant to participate in a pretrial intervention program . . . may order the defendant to pay to the court a supervision fee in an + See moreamount not more than $60 per month as a condition of participating in the program. . . In addition to or in lieu of the supervision fee . . . the court may order the defendant to pay or reimburse a community supervision and corrections department for any other expense that is: (1) incurred as a result of the defendant's participation in the pretrial intervention program . . . or (2) necessary to the defendant's successful completion of the program.
$0 - $60
plus costs of the program |
All | No | Court | Authority is delegated to the court to set the fee and add an additional reimbursement cost |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art 102.0121 | Fees for certain expenses related to pre-trial program |
A district attorney, criminal district attorney, or county attorney may collect a fee in an amount not to exceed $500 to be used to reimburse a county for expenses, including + See moreexpenses of the district attorney's, criminal district attorney's, or county attorney's office, related to a defendant's participation in a pretrial intervention program offered in that county.
$0 - $500 | All | No | Prosecutor | Authority is delegated to district attorney to set cost |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.038 | Confinement expenses |
In addition to any fine, cost, or fee authorized by law, a court that sentences a defendant convicted of a misdemeanor to serve a term of confinement in county jail + See moreand orders execution of the sentence may require the defendant to reimburse the county for the defendant's confinement at a rate of $25 a day.
$25 - $0
$25/day of confinement |
Misdemeanor | No | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42A.652 | Monthly fee for community supervision |
judge who grants community supervision to a defendant shall set a fee of not less than $25 and not more than $60 to be paid each month during the period + See moreof community supervision by the defendant
$25 - $60 | All | Yes | Court | Authority delegated to judge to set fee between 25 and 60 dollars |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42.A.409 | Community supervisions for enhanced public intoxication offense |
the court shall require the defendant as a condition of community supervision to . . . pay the costs of testing, assessment, and treatment or education, either directly or as + See morea court cost.
Cost of the program
All | No | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42A.607 | Confinement as part of community supervision - disposition of salary |
If a defendant who is required as a condition of community supervision to serve a term of confinement. . . is not required by the judge to deliver the defendant's + See moresalary to the restitution center director, the employer of the defendant shall deliver the salary to the director. The director shall deposit the salary into a fund to be given to the defendant on release after the director deducts:(1) the cost to the center for the defendant's food, housing, and supervision;(2) the necessary expense for the defendant's travel to and from work and community service projects, and other incidental expenses of the defendant;(3) support of the defendant's dependents; and(4) restitution to the victims of an offense committed by the defendant.
cost of housing, plus travel, plus child support, plus victim restitution, plus other incidental expenses
All | Yes | Supervision agency | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42A.513 | Community supervision for making firearm accessible to child |
A court . . . may require as a condition of community supervision that the defendant . . . attend a firearms safety course that meets or exceeds the requirements + See moreset by the National Rifle Association as of January 1, 1995, for a firearms safety course that requires not more than 17 hours of instruction . . . The court shall require the defendant to pay the cost of attending . . .
Cost of course
All | No | Court | N/A |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42A.504 | Community supervision for offenses involving family violence |
If the court requires the defendant to attend counseling or a program . . . The court shall require the defendant to pay all the reasonable costs of the counseling + See moresessions or attendance in the program on a finding that the defendant is financially able to make payment . . . The court may also require the defendant to pay all or a part of the reasonable costs incurred by the victim for counseling made necessary by the offense, on a finding that the defendant is financially able to make payment.
Cost of services for defendant plus the cost of services for the victim
All | Yes | Court | Authority delegated to court to determine whether defendant shall pay costs to victim for counseling |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc.. Art. 102.017 | Court Security |
A defendant convicted of a felony offense in a district court shall pay a $5 security fee as a cost of court. A defendant convicted of a misdemeanor offense in + See morea county court, county court at law, or district court shall pay a $3 security fee as a cost of court. A defendant convicted of a misdemeanor offense in a justice court shall pay a $4 security fee as a cost of court. The governing body of a municipality by ordinance may create a municipal court building security fund and may require a defendant convicted of a misdemeanor offense in a municipal court to pay a $3 security fee as a cost of court.
$3 - $5 | All | Yes | Court | Yes - municipalities authorized to set fee for municipal courts |
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Texas | Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 42A.452 | Treatment, specialized supervisions, or rehabilitation – conditions applicable to sex offenders |
A judge who grants community supervision to a sex offender . . . may require the sex offender as a condition of community supervision to submit to treatment . . + See more. On a finding that the defendant is financially able to make payment, the judge shall require the defendant to pay all or part of the reasonable and necessary costs of the treatment, supervision, or rehabilitation.
Costs of treatment
Felony | No | Court | N/A |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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