Below are the fees and fines that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.

38 Results

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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.60(1) Court clerk's fees
In a criminal action, the clerk of circuit court shall collect a fee of $163 for all necessary filing, entering, or recording, to be paid by the defendant when judgment
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is entered against the defendant. Of the fees received by the clerk of circuit court under this subsection, the county treasurer shall pay 93.87 percent to the secretary of administration for deposit in the general fund and shall retain the balance for the use of the county.

Cost of all necessary filing, entering, or recording
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.65(1) Municipal court fees
In a municipal court action, except for a financial responsibility violation under s. 344.62 (2) or for a violation of an ordinance in conformity with s. 343.51 (1m) (b) or
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347.48 (2m), the municipal judge shall collect a fee of not less than $15 nor more than $38 on each separate matter, whether it is on default of appearance, a plea of guilty or no contest, on issuance of a warrant or summons, or the action is tried as a contested matter. Of each fee received by the judge under this subsection, the municipal treasurer shall pay monthly $5 to the secretary of administration for deposit in the general fund and shall retain the balance for the use of the municipality.
$15 - $38

Court costs
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.65(4m)(a); Wis. Stat. § 814.65(4m)(b) Blood test fee
(a) Except as provided in par. (d), if a defendant is required to appear in municipal court, in addition to any forfeiture, costs, fees, or surcharges it imposes, the municipal
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court shall impose and collect from the defendant any costs charged to or paid by a law enforcement agency for the withdrawal of the defendant’s blood if the court finds that the defendant violated a local ordinance in conformity with s. 23.33 (4c), 23.335 (12) (a) or (b), 30.681, 114.09, 346.63, or 350.101. (b) Except as provided in par. (d), if at the time the court finds that the defendant committed the violation, the law enforcement agency has not paid or been charged with the costs of withdrawing the defendant’s blood, the court shall impose and collect the costs the law enforcement agency reasonably expects to be charged for the withdrawal, based on the current charges for this procedure.
Applies to costs charged to or paid by a law enforcement agency
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.67 Witness and interpreters fees
(1)(a) For attending before a municipal judge, an arbitrator, or any officer, board or committee: 1. For witnesses, $5 per day. 2. For interpreters, $10 per one?half day or such
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higher fees as the municipality or county board may establish. (am) For witnesses attending before a circuit court, $16 per day. (b) For attending before the court of appeals or the supreme court: 1. For witnesses, $16 per day. 2. For interpreters, a fee determined by the supreme court. (bg) For interpreters assisting the state public defender in representing an indigent in preparing for court proceedings, $35 per one?half day. (c) 1. For a witness, the rate of 20 cents per mile for either of the following: a. Traveling from his or her residence to the place of attendance, and returning by the usually traveled route between such points if his or her residence is within the state. b. Traveling from the point where he or she crosses the state boundary to the place of attendance and returning by the usually traveled route between such points if his or her residence is outside the state. 2. a. Except as provided in subd. 2. b., for an interpreter, the mileage rate set under s. 20.916 (8) for traveling from his or her residence to the place of attendance and returning by the usually traveled route between such points. b. For an interpreter traveling to the place of attendance from his or her place of residence outside the state, the number of miles between the interpreter’s residence and the point at which he or she crosses the state boundary for which the interpreter may receive reimbursement under this subdivision may not exceed 100 miles each way, following the usually traveled route between such points. (2) A witness or interpreter is entitled to fees only for the time he or she is in actual and necessary attendance as such; and is not entitled to receive pay in more than one action or proceeding for the same attendance or travel on behalf of the same party. A person is not entitled to fees as a witness or interpreter while attending court as an officer or juror. An attorney or counsel in any cause may not be allowed any fee as a witness or interpreter therein.
For municipal courts, arbitrators, any officer, board, or committee: $5 per day for witnesses, $10 per one-half day; For circuit courts: $16
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per day for witnesses, N/A for interpreters; For court of appeals or the supreme court: $16 per day for witnesses, $35 per day for interpreters assisting the state public defender in representing an indigent defendant; For witness traveling from his or her residence to the court, whether within the state or outside the state: 20¢ per mile traveled. For municipal courts, arbitrators, or any officer board or committee, daily rate of the interpreter fee may be increased beyond $10 by the municipality or county board; otherwise, there is no maximum amount for fees imposed under this statute.
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.69(a) Court reporter's fees
(a) For a transcript under SCR 71.04, a fee at the rate of $1.50per 25?line page for the original and 50 cents per 25?line page for the duplicate. Except as
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provided in s. 967.06 (3), the fee shall be paid by the county treasurer upon the certificate of the clerk of court.
$1.50 per 25-line page for the original and 50¢ per 25-line page for the duplicate
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.70 Sheriff's fees The sheriff shall collect the fees under this section. The fees are set as follows, unless a higher fee is established under s. 814.705:
$0 - $60

Service of process: $12 for each defendant (if multiple defendants reside at
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the same address, then $6 per defendant); serving execution on a judgment demanding payment or other writ not provided for: $12; travel for serving any criminal process: 25¢ per mile necessarily traveled (in counties with a population less than 500,000), $4 dollars for each person served within the county plus 25¢ per mile traveled (in counties with a population greater than 500,000); collection of money: 10% of the first $300 owed, 5% of the next $300, 3% on any excess over $600; making copies of any documents served or taken: $1 per page; advertising personal property: $1.50; evictions: $8 for serving any writ or other process with aid from the county, $10 per hour for each deputy assigned to inventory the property when seizing the property on attachment, replevin, execution or eviction; sales of real estate: $50, $25 of which is prepaid and nonrefundable; possession and storage of personal property: any just and reasonable fee for expenses incurred by sheriff; printing advertisements: all fees "allowed by law"; notices of sale: $4 for the first posting and $2 for each subsequent posting.
All Yes Court Yes -- through Wis. Stat. § 814.705 (Governing body may establish higher fees). A county board may establish higher fees for collection by sheriff.
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.71 City police, constables, and village marshals' fees City police, constables and village marshals shall collect the same fees as those prescribed for sheriffs in s. 814.70 for similar services subject to any modification applicable under s. 814.705.
Identical to sheriff's fees
All Yes Court
Yes -- through Wis. Stat. § 814.705 (Governing body may establish higher fees). A village board may establish higher fee for collection by constable; a town board may establish higher
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fees for collection by town constable or police
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 814.72 Appraiser's fees For appraisals under s. 815.19, each appraiser shall collect a fee of $8, plus $10 per hour.
$8 - $0

$8 plus $10 per hour
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.99(1) Wildlife violator compact surcharge
(1) If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of a provision of this chapter or an order issued under this chapter, the court shall impose a
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wildlife violator compact surcharge under ch. 814 equal to $5 for the violation.
$5.00 - $5.00 All Yes Court N/A
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.983 Wild animal protection surcharge
The amount of the wild animal protection surchargeimposed under ch. 814 shall be as follows: 1. For any wild animal that is an endangered species protected under s. 29.604, $875. 1m. Any elk,
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$2,000. 2. For any moose, fisher, prairie chicken, or sand hill crane, $262.50. 3. For any bear, wild turkey or wild swan, $175. 4. For any bobcat, fox, wolf, beaver, or otter, $87.50. 5. For any deer, coyote, raccoon or mink, $43.75. 6. For any sharp?tailed grouse, ruffed grouse, spruce hen, wild duck, coot, wild goose or brant, $26.25. 7. For any pheasant, gray partridge, quail, rail, Wilson’s snipe, woodcock or shore bird, or protected song bird or harmless bird, $17.50. 8. For any muskrat, rabbit or squirrel, $8.75. 9. For any muskellunge or lake sturgeon, $43.75. 10. For any largemouth or smallmouth bass, $26.25. 11. For any brook, rainbow, brown, or steel head trout, $26.25. 12. For any walleye pike, northern pike, or any other game fish not mentioned in subds. 9. to 11., $8.75. 13. For any game or fur?bearing animal or bird not mentioned in subds. 1m. to 8., $17.50.
Varies based on the wild animal that was unlawfully killed
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.984(1)(a) Commercial fish protection surcharge
(a) If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture under s. 29.971 for the unlawful killing, catching, taking, transporting, sale, or possession of Great Lakes fish in violation of s.
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29.503, or of fish in violation of s. 29.514 or 29.519, or for failing to comply with any record?keeping requirement for fish in violation of s. 29.503, 29.514, or 29.519, the court may impose a commercial fish protection surcharge that equals the amount specified for the fish under par. (b) or (bg).
An amount equal to the average wholesale value of the fish on the date of the violation; for salmon, trout, and noncommercial
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game fish, the amount of the surcharge is equal to 3 times the average wholesale value of the fish on or about the date of violation
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.985(1)(a) Fishing shelter removal surcharge
(1)(a) If a court imposes a forfeiture under s. 29.404 (3), the court shall impose a fishing shelter removal surcharge under ch. 814 equal to the costs that should have
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been reimbursed under s. 29.404 (2).
Wis. Stat. § 29.404 is entitled "Fishing shanties on ice, regulation," and provides that "Any building, vehicle, tent, fish shanty or similar
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shelter that is used or left on the ice in violation of any department order or that has fallen through the ice is a public nuisance." W.S.A 29.404(1). The owner of such property in violation of the statute shall reimburse the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for costs incurred in the process of destroying and seizing or selling the property. Wis. Stat. § 29.404(2)
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.987(1)(a) Natural resources surcharge
If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of a provision of this chapter or an order issued under this chapter, other than for a violation specified
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under s. 29.9905 (1)(a), the court shall impose a natural resources surcharge under ch. 814 equal to 75 percent of the amount of the fine or forfeiture.
surcharge under equal to 75 percent of the amount of the fine or forfeiture
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.989(1)(a) Natural resources restitution surcharge
If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of a provision of this chapter or an order issued under this chapter where the payment of a natural
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resources restitution surcharge is required, the court shall impose a natural resources restitution surcharge under ch. 814 equal to the amount of the statutory fee for the approval which was required and should have been obtained.
An amount equal to the fee incurred by violating a statute under Chapter 29
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.9905(1)(a) Great Lakes resource surcharge
(a) If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of s. 29.503 involving Great Lakes fish or for a violation of s. 29.514 or 29.519, the court
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shall impose a Great Lakes resource surcharge equal to 75 percent of the amount of the fine or forfeiture.
75% of the fine or forfeiture for a violation of Wis. Stat. § 29.503, Wis. Stat. § 29.514, OR Wis. Stat. §
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 29.991(1)(a) Fishing net removal surcharge
(a) If a court imposes a forfeiture under s. 29.931 (2) (am) for failure to reimburse the department for costs associated with the seizure of a net or similar fishing
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device under s. 29.931 (2) (a), the court shall impose a fishing net removal surcharge in an amount equal to the sum of those costs plus an amount equal to 75 percent of the amount of the forfeiture.
$0 - $1000

An amount equal to the sum of costs owed to the Department
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of Natural Resources for costs incurred during a seizure of a net or similar fishing device in violation of Wis. Stat. § 29.932(2)(am) plus an amount equal to 75% of the amount of the forfeiture.
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 100.261(1) Consumer information charge
(1) If a courtimposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of this chapter, ch. 98, a rule promulgated under this chapter or ch. 98, or an ordinance enacted under
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this chapter or ch. 98, the court shall also impose a consumer protection surcharge under ch. 814 in an amount equal to 25 percent of the fine or forfeiture imposed. If multiple violations are involved, the court shall base the consumer protection surcharge upon the total of the fine or forfeiture amounts for all violations. If a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole or in part, the court shall reduce the surcharge in proportion to the suspension.
25% of the fine or forfeiture imposed by the court for violations of regulations in Chapter 100 or Chapter 98 of the
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Wis. Stat. § If multiple violations are involved, the surcharge will equal the total of fine or forfeiture amounts for all violations.
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 100.335 Child's containers containing bisphenol A: Surcharge
(7) If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of this section, the court shall impose a bisphenol A surcharge under ch. 814 equal to 50 percent
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of the amount of the fine or forfeiture.
50% of the amount of fine or forfeiture for violations under Wis. Stat. § 100.335.
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 165.755(1)(a) Crime laboratories and drug law enforcement surcharge
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a court shall impose under ch. 814 a crime laboratories and drug law enforcement surcharge of $13 if the court imposes a sentence,
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places aperson on probation, or imposes a forfeiture for a violation of state law or for a violation of a municipal or county ordinance.
$13.00 - $13.00 All Yes Court N/A
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Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 167.31(5)(a) Weapons surcharge
(a) If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of this section, the court shall also impose a weapons surcharge under ch. 814 equal to 75 percent
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of the amount of the fine or forfeiture.
75% of the fine or forfeiture
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