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Below are the fees and fines that meet your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
152 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Amount | Level of offense | Mandatory | Imposed by | Delegation of authority | |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(1)(a) | Navigation violations - registration 1 |
For violations of registration, inspections, identification, and record provisions under sections 462A.5, 462A.35, and 462A.37, and for unused or improper or defective lights and warning devices under section 462A.9, subsections 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10, the scheduled fine is + See moreten dollars.
$10 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(1)(b) | Navigation violations - registration 2 |
For violations of registration, identification, and record provisions under sections 462A.4 and 462A.10, and for unused or improper or defective equipment under section 462A.9, subsections 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, + See moreand 14, and section 462A.11, and for operation violations under sections 462A.26, 462A.31, and 462A.33, the scheduled fine is twenty dollars
$20 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(1)(c) | Navigation violations - operating | For operating violations under sections 462A.12, 462A.15, subsection 1, sections 462A.24, and 462A.34, the scheduled fine is twenty-five dollars. | $25 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(1)(d) | Navigation violations - location | For violations of use, location, and storage of vessels, devices, and structures under sections 462A.27, 462A.28, and 462A.32, the scheduled fine is fifteen dollars. | $15 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(1)(e) | Navigation violations - subdivision ordinances |
For violations of all subdivision ordinances under section 462A.17, subsection 2, except those relating to matters subject to regulation by authority of section 462A.31, subsection 5, the scheduled fine is + See morethe same as prescribed for similar violations of state law. For violations of subdivision ordinances for which there is no comparable state law, the scheduled fine is ten dollars
$10 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(a) | Snowmobile violations - registration | For registration or user permit violations under section 321G.3, subsection 1, or section 321G.4B, the scheduled fine is fifty dollars. | $50 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(b)(1) | Snowmobile violations - operating 1 | For operating violations under section 321G.9, the scheduled fine is fifty dollars | $50 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(b)(2) | Snowmobile violations - operating 2 | For operating violations under sections 321G.11 and 321G.13, subsection 1, paragraph “d”, the scheduled fine is twenty dollars. | $20 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(b)(3) | Snowmobile violations - operating 3 |
For operating violations under section 321G.13, subsection 1, paragraphs “a”, “b”, “e”, “f”, “g”, “h”, and “i”, and section 321G.13, subsections 2 and 3, the scheduled fine is one hundred + See moredollars.
$100 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(c) | Snowmobile violations - improper equipment | For improper or defective equipment under section 321G.12, the scheduled fine is twenty dollars | $20 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(d) | Snowmobile violations - 321G.19 | For violations of section 321G.19, the scheduled fine is twenty dollars. | $20 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(e) | Snowmobile violations - decal | For decal violations under section 321G.5, the scheduled fine is twenty dollars | $20 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(f) | Snowmobile violations - stop signal | For stop signal violations under section 321G.17, the scheduled fine is one hundred dollars. | $100 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(g) | Snowmobile violations - education certificate | For violations of section 321G.20 and for education certificate violations under section321G.24, subsection 1, the scheduled fine is fifty dollars. | $50 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2)(h) | Snowmobile violations - 321G.21 | For violations of section 321G.21, the scheduled fine is one hundred dollars. | $100 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2A)(a) | All-terrain vehicle violations - registration | For registration or user permit violations under section 321I.3, subsection 1, the scheduled fine is fifty dollars. | $50 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2A)(b)(1) | All-terrain vehicle violations - 3211.12 | For operating violations under sections 321I.12 and 321I.14, subsection 1, paragraph “d”, the scheduled fine is twenty dollars. | $20 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2A)(b)(2) | All-terrain vehicle violations - 3211.10 | For operating violations under section 321I.10, subsections 1 and 4, the scheduled fine is fifty dollars. | $50 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2A)(b)(3) | All-terrain vehicle violations - 3211.14 |
For operating violations under section 321I.14, subsection 1, paragraphs “a”, “e”, “f”, “g”, and “h”, and section 321I.14, subsections 2, 3, 4, and 5, the scheduled fine is one hundred + See moredollars.
$100 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
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Iowa | Iowa Code § 805.8(B)(2A)(c) | All-terrain vehicle violations - improper equipment | For improper or defective equipment under section 321I.13, the scheduled fine is twenty dollars. | $20 | All | Yes | Court | N/A |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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