Below are all of the laws that govern the structure of courts that match your search criteria.

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California Cal. Con. art. VI, § 2 Supreme Court; justices; time for convening; concurrence required for judgment; acting Chief Justice
The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice ofCalifornia and 6 associate justices. The Chief Justice may convene the court at any time. Concurrence of 4 judges present at
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the argument is necessary for a judgment. An acting Chief Justice shall perform all functions of the Chief Justice when the Chief Justice is absent or unable to act. The Chief Justice or, if the Chief Justice fails to do so, the court shall select an associate justice as acting Chief Justice.
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California Cal. Con. art. VI, § 3 Courts of appeal; districts; divisions; power; concurrence required for judgment; acting presiding justice
The Legislature shall divide the State into districts eachcontaining a court of appeal with one or more divisions. Each division consists of a presiding justice and 2 or more associate justices.
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It has the power of a court of appeal and shall conduct itself as a 3-judge court. Concurrence of 2 judges present at the argument is necessary for a judgment. An acting presiding justice shall perform all functions of the presiding justice when the presiding justice is absent or unable to act. The presiding justice or, if the presiding justice fails to do so, the Chief Justice shall select an associate justice of that division as acting presiding justice.
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California Cal. Con. Art. VI, Sec. 4 Superior courts; officers and employees; appellate divisions
In each county there is a superior court of one or morejudges. The Legislature shall prescribe the number of judges and provide for the officers and employees of each superior
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court. If the governing body of each affected county concurs, the Legislature may provide that one or more judges serve more than one superior court. In each superior court there is an appellate division. The Chief Justice shall assign judges to the appellate division for specified terms pursuant to rules, not inconsistent with statute, adopted by the Judicial Council to promote the independence of the appellate division.
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Maine Me. Rev. Stat. tit 4 § 421 Establishment

 The Judicial Department may establish alcohol and drug treatment programs in the Superior Courts and District Courts and may adopt administrative orders and court rules to govern the practice, procedure

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and administration of these programs. Alcohol and drug treatment programs must include local judges and must be community based and operated separately from juvenile drug courts.

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Maine Me. Rev. Stat. tit 4 § 431 Mental health treatment courts

 The Judicial Department may seek and receive grants to establish mental health treatment courts.

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Maine Me. Rev. Stat. tit 4 § 433(2) Veterans treatment courts

Chief Justice may establish. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court may establish veterans treatment courts for veterans and members of the United States Armed Forces. The Supreme Judicial

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Court may adopt administrative orders and court rules of practice and procedure as necessary.

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Michigan Michigan State Constitution Article VI Sec. 1 Michigan State Constitution Article VI Sec. 1
The judicial power of the state is vested exclusively in one court of justice which shall be divided into one supreme court . . . and courts of limited jurisdiction
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that the legislature may establish by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to and serving in each house.
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Missouri Mo. Const. Art. 5, § 1 Judicial Power - Constitutional Courts

The judicial power of the state shall be vested in a supreme court, a court of appeals consisting of districts as prescribed by law, and circuit courts.

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Missouri Mo. Ann. Stat. § 476.010 Courts of record

The supreme court of the state of Missouri, the court of appeals, and the circuit courts shall be courts of record, and shall keep just and faithful records of their

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proceedings. Notwithstanding the foregoing, municipal divisions of the circuit courts shall not be considered courts of record, regardless of whether or not a verbatim record of proceedings before the division is kept.

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Missouri Mo. Ann. Stat. § 478.001(2)-(3) Treatment court divisions, definitions, establishment, purpose--referrals to certified treatment programs required, exception--completion of treatment program, effect--adult treatment court--DWI court--family treatment court--juvenile treatment court--vet

2. A treatment court division may be established by any circuit court pursuant to sections 478.001 to 478.009 to provide an alternative for the judicial system to dispose of cases which stem

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from, or are otherwise impacted by, substance use. The treatment court division may include, but not be limited to, cases assigned to an adult treatment court, DWI court, family treatment court, juvenile treatment court, veterans treatment court, or any combination thereof. A treatment court shall combine judicial supervision, drug or alcohol testing, and treatment of participants. Except for good cause found by the court, a treatment court making a referral for substance use disorder treatment, when such program will receive state or federal funds in connection with such referral, shall refer the person only to a program which is certified by the department of mental health, unless no appropriate certified treatment program is located within the same county as the treatment court. Upon successful completion of the treatment court program, the charges, petition, or penalty against a treatment court participant may be dismissed, reduced, or modified, unless otherwise stated. Any fees received by a court from a defendant as payment for substance treatment programs shall not be considered court costs, charges or fines.

3. An adult treatment court may be established by any circuit court under sections 478.001 to 478.009 to provide an alternative for the judicial system to dispose of cases which stem from substance use.

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Missouri Mo. Ann. Stat. § 478.073(1) Circuit realignment plan authorized--judicial conference duties--effective date--minimum number of circuits--publication by the revisor

As set forth in this section, the general assembly authorizes the judicial conference of the State of Missouri, as established pursuant to section 476.320, to alter the geographical boundaries and

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territorial jurisdiction of the judicial circuits by means of a circuit realignment plan as the administration of justice may require, subject to the requirements set forth in Article V of the Constitution of Missouri.

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New Mexico N.M. Stat. Ann. § 34-8A-1 Metropolitan court; established

There is established within the boundaries of a class A county with a population of more than two hundred fifty thousand persons in the last federal decennial census the “metropolitan

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court”. The name of the metropolitan district is the same as the name of the county in which it is located.

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New Mexico N.M. Const. art. VI, § 1 Judicial power vested

The judicial power of the state shall be vested in the senate when sitting as a court of impeachment, a supreme court, a court of appeals, district courts; probate courts,

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magistrate courts and such other courts inferior to the district courts as may be established by law from time to time in any district, county or municipality of the state.

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New Mexico N.M. Const. art. VI, § 1 Judicial power vested

The judicial power of the state shall be vested in the senate when sitting as a court of impeachment, a supreme court, a court of appeals, district courts; probate courts,

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magistrate courts and such other courts inferior to the district courts as may be established by law from time to time in any district, county or municipality of the state.

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New Mexico N.M. Const. art. VI, § 1 Judicial power vested

The judicial power of the state shall be vested in the senate when sitting as a court of impeachment, a supreme court, a court of appeals, district courts; probate courts,

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magistrate courts and such other courts inferior to the district courts as may be established by law from time to time in any district, county or municipality of the state.

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New Mexico N.M. Const. art. VI, § 1 Judicial power vested

The judicial power of the state shall be vested in the senate when sitting as a court of impeachment, a supreme court, a court of appeals, district courts; probate courts,

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magistrate courts and such other courts inferior to the district courts as may be established by law from time to time in any district, county or municipality of the state.

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New Mexico N.M. Const. art. VI, § 1 Judicial power vested

The judicial power of the state shall be vested in the senate when sitting as a court of impeachment, a supreme court, a court of appeals, district courts; probate courts,

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magistrate courts and such other courts inferior to the district courts as may be established by law from time to time in any district, county or municipality of the state.

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New Mexico N.M. Stat. Ann. § 35-1-1 Magistrate court; establishment

There is established the “magistrate court” as a court of limited original jurisdiction within the judicial department of the state government. Personnel of the magistrate court are subject to all

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laws and regulations applicable to other state offices and agencies and to other state officers and employees except where otherwise provided by law. The magistrate court is not a court of record

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New Mexico N.M. Const. art. VI, § 23 Probate court

A probate court is hereby established for each county, which shall be a court of record, and, until otherwise provided by law, shall have the same jurisdiction as heretofore exercised

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by the probate courts of New Mexico and shall also have jurisdiction to determine heirship with respect to real property in all proceedings for the administration of decedents' estates. The legislature shall have power from time to time to confer upon the probate court in any county in this state jurisdiction to determine heirship in all probate proceedings, and shall have power also from time to time to confer upon the probate court in any county in this state general civil jurisdiction coextensive with the county; provided, however, that such court shall not have jurisdiction in civil causes in which the matter in controversy shall exceed in value three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) exclusive of interest and cost; nor in any action for malicious prosecution, slander and libel; nor in any action against officers for misconduct in office; nor in any action for the specific performance of contracts for the sale of real estate; nor in any action for the possession of land; nor in any matter wherein the title or boundaries of land may be in dispute or drawn in question, except as title to real property may be affected by the determination of heirship; nor to grant writs of injunction, habeas corpus or extraordinary writs. Jurisdiction may be conferred upon the judges of said court to act as examining and committing magistrates in criminal cases, and upon said courts for the trial of misdemeanors in which the punishment cannot be imprisonment in the penitentiary, or in which the fine cannot be in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000). A jury for the trial of such cases shall consist of six men. The legislature shall prescribe the qualifications and fix the compensation of probate judges

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Ohio Ohio Const. Art. IV § 1 In whom judicial power vested

The judicial power of the state is vested in a supreme court, courts of appeals, courts of common pleas and divisions thereof, and such other courts inferior to the supreme

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court as may from time to time be established by law.

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