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Below are all of the laws that govern the structure of courts that match your search criteria.
9 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Court/legal body | Function | |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 1.002 | Supreme Court jurisdiction |
The Supreme Court is the highest judicial tribunal of the judicial department of government in this state. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is the presiding judge of the + See morecourt and the administrative head of the judicial department of government in this state.
Supreme Court | Jurisdiction of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 2.516 | Court of Appeals jurisdiction |
Except where original jurisdiction is conferred on the Supreme Court by the Oregon Constitution or by statute and except as provided in ORS 19.405 (Certification of appeal to Supreme Court) + See moreand 138.255 (Court of Appeals certification of appeal to Supreme Court in lieu of disposition), the Court of Appeals shall have exclusive jurisdiction of all appeals.
Court of Appeals | Jurisdiction of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 3.012 | Circuit Courts jurisdiction | The judicial districts, the counties constituting the judicial districts and the number of circuit court judges for each judicial district are as follows:… | Circuit Courts (36) | Jurisdiction of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 3.255(2) | Family Court jurisdiction | The judges of the circuit court need adequate court services to assist them in exercising jurisdiction over the family and family-related matters | Family Court (part of circuit courts) | Jurisdiction of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 3.260 | Juvenille Court jurisdiction | The circuit courts and the judges thereof shall exercise all juvenile court jurisdiction, authority, powers, functions and duties. | Juvenille Court | Jurisdiction of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 5.010 | County Court jurisdiction | The county court is held by the county judge, except when county business is being transacted therein. | County Court | Jurisdiction of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 1.001 | Supreme Court creation |
The Legislative Assembly hereby declares that, as a matter of statewide concern, it is in the best interests of the people of this state that the judicial branch of state + See moregovernment, including the appellate, tax and circuit courts, be funded and operated at the state level. The Legislative Assembly finds that state funding and operation of the judicial branch can provide for best statewide allocation of governmental resources according to the actual needs of the people and of the judicial branch by establishing an accountable, equitably funded and uniformly administered system of justice for all the people of this state
Supreme Court | Creation of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 2.510 | Court of Appeals creation | As part of the judicial branch of state government, there is created a court of justice to be known as the Court of Appeals. | Court of Appeals | Creation of the courts |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 305.405 | Oregon Tax Court; creation; jurisdiction |
As part of the judicial branch of state government, there is created a court of justice to be known as the Oregon Tax Court. The tax court, in cases within its jurisdiction pursuant to ORS 305.410 (Authority of court in tax cases within its jurisdiction):(1) Is a court of record and of general jurisdiction, not limited, special or inferior jurisdiction. (2) Has the same powers as a circuit court. (3) Has and may exercise all ordinary and extraordinary legal, equitable and provisional remedies available in the circuit courts, as well as such additional remedies as may be assigned to it.
Tax Court | Creation of the courts, Jurisdiction of the courts |