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Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
44 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Who receives the funding | Other beneficiaries | Level of offense | |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code. Ann. § 9-23-51 | Drug Court fund |
There is created in the State Treasury a special interest-bearing fund to be known as the Drug Court Fund. The purpose of the fund shall be to provide supplemental funding + See moreto all drug courts in the state. Monies from the funds derived from assessments under Section 99-19-73 shall be distributed by the State Treasurer upon warrants issued by the Administrative Office of Courts, pursuant to procedures set by the State Drug Courts Advisory Committee to assist both juvenile drug courts and adult drug courts. Funds from other sources shall be distributed to the drug courts in the state based on a formula set by the State Drug Courts Advisory Committee. The fund shall be a continuing fund, not subject to fiscal-year limitations, and shall consist of: (a) monies appropriated by the Legislature for the purposes of funding drug courts; (b) the interest accruing to the fund; (c) monies received under the provisions of Section 99-19-73; (d) monies received from the federal government; and (e) monies received from such other sources as may be provided by law.
State/statewide agency | Drug Courts | All |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code. Ann. § 99-19-73(11) | Assessment schedule; collection and disbursement |
It shall be the duty of the Department of Finance and Administration to deposit on a monthly basis all state assessments into the State General Fund or proper special fund + See morein the State Treasury. The Department of Finance and Administration shall issue regulations providing for the proper allocation of these funds.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code. Ann. § 99-19-73(10)(c) | Assessment schedule; collection and disbursement |
(c) It shall be the duty of the municipal clerk of each municipality to deposit all the state assessments collected in the municipal court in the municipality on a monthly + See morebasis with the State Treasurer pursuant to appropriate procedures established by the State Auditor. The municipal clerk shall make a monthly lump-sum deposit of the total state assessments collected in the municipal court in the municipality under this section, and shall report to the Department of Finance and Administration the total number of violations under each subsection for which state assessments were collected in the municipal court in the municipality during that month.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code. Ann. § 99-19-73(10)(b) | Assessment schedule; collection and disbursement |
It shall be the duty of the chancery clerk of each county to deposit all state assessments collected in the circuit, county and justice courts in the county on a + See moremonthly basis with the State Treasurer pursuant to appropriate procedures established by the State Auditor. The chancery clerk shall make a monthly lump-sum deposit of the total state assessments collected in the circuit, county and justice courts in the county under this section, and shall report to the Department of Finance and Administration the total number of violations under each subsection for which state assessments were collected in the circuit, county and justice courts in the county during that month.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code. Ann. § 99-19-73(10)(c) | Assessment schedule; collection and disbursement |
After a determination by the court of the amount due, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court to promptly collect all state assessments imposed under the + See moreprovisions of this section. The state assessments imposed under the provisions of this section may not be paid by personal check.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-15-29 (7) | Law Enforcement Officers Monument Fund; Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board |
The assessment shall be deposited into the Law Enforcement Officers Monument Fund created in Section 39-5-71. After the monument is constructed, the assessment shall not be deposited into the fund. + See moreThe assessment shall then be deposited with the Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board to be used for the scholarship program for children of deceased or disabled law enforcement officers and firemen as provided by Section 37-106-39.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-17-43 (3)(d) | State General Fund |
The restoration fee shall be in addition to the fees provided for in Title 63, Chapter 1, and shall be deposited into the State General Fund in accordance with Section + See more45-1-23.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-7-39 | Treasury | Such penalty when collected, less the reasonable cost and expense of action or suit, shall be paid into the treasury of this state. | State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-15-5 | state highway commission |
In addition, any such person shall be liable to the state highway commission for double the amount the state may have lost by reason thereof, such liability to be covered + See moreby any bond that may have been executed by such official, contractor, or employee, the liability hereunder of the bondsmen, however, being limited to the total amount of said bond and not more.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Felony |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-17-71.1 (4)(c)(i) | Secretary of State | Any administrative penalty, plus reimbursement for all costs and expenses incurred in the investigation of the violation and any administrative proceedings, shall be paid to the Secretary of State | State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-19-67 (5) | State Treasury; Criminal Justice Fund |
It shall be the duty of the clerk or judicial officer of the court collecting the fees imposed under subsection (4) of this section to monthly deposit all such fees + See moreso collected with the State Treasurer, either directly or by other appropriate procedures, for deposit in the special fund of the State Treasury created under Section 99-19-32, known as the "Criminal Justice Fund."
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-33-101 | Charitable Bingo Fund |
All fees and fines collected by the commission pursuant to Sections 97-33-51 through 97-33-203 shall be deposited into a special fund to be known as the "Charitable Bingo Fund," which + See moreis hereby created in the State Treasury. The monies in such fund shall be used exclusively to support the activities of the commission related to the regulation of the Charitable Bingo Law, upon appropriation by the Legislature. Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on amounts in such special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-33-109 (8)(b) | General Fund of Mississippi |
shall forfeit and pay to the state a civil penalty of not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($ 5,000.00) per violation which shall be payable to the General Fund of + See morethe State of Mississippi
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-33-109 (8)(c | General Fund of Mississippi |
may recover on behalf of the state a civil penalty of not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($ 500.00) per violation which shall be payable to the General Fund of the + See moreState of Mississippi
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 97-33-309 | Violations; civil penalties |
shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($ 10,000.00) for each violation, which shall accrue to the state and may be recovered in + See morea civil action brought by the office
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 99-19-32 (2) | Criminal Justice Fun |
Such assessments as are collected under subsection (5) of Section 99-19-73 shall be deposited in a special fund hereby created in the State Treasury to be designated the "Criminal Justice + See moreFund."
State/statewide agency |
The Legislature may make appropriations from the Criminal Justice Fund for the purpose of defraying such costs as the state incurs in the administration of the criminal justice system of + See morethis state.
Felony |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 99-19-72 | Judicial system operation fund |
(a) One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00) to be deposited into the Judicial System Operation Fund; (b) Forty Dollars ($ 40.00) to be deposited into the District Attorneys Operation Fund; and + See more(c) Ten Dollars ($ 10.00) to be retained by the circuit clerk collecting the fee for administration purposes.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 99-19-73 (1) | State Funds |
In addition to any monetary penalties and any other penalties imposed by law, there shall be imposed and collected the following state assessment from each person upon whom a court + See moreimposes a fine or other penalty for any violation in Title 63, Mississippi Code of 1972, except offenses relating to the Mississippi Implied Consent Law (Section 63-11-1 et seq.) and offenses relating to vehicular parking or registration
State/statewide agency | long list of specific funds | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 99-19-73 (2) | State Funds |
In addition to any monetary penalties and any other penalties imposed by law, there shall be imposed and collected the following state assessment from each person upon whom a court imposes a + See morefine or any other penalty for any violation of the Mississippi Implied Consent Law (Section 63-11-1 et seq.)
State/statewide agency | long list of specific funds | Misdemeanor |
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Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. § 99-19-73 (3) | State Funds |
In addition to any monetary penalties and any other penalties imposed by law, there shall be imposed and collectedthe following state assessment from each person upon whom a court imposes + See morea fine or other penalty for any violation of the game and fish statutes or regulations of this state
State/statewide agency | long list of specific funds | Misdemeanor |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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