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Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
38 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Who receives the funding | Other beneficiaries | Level of offense | |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2929.18(A)(1) | Restitution Surcharge |
If the court imposes restitution, the court may order that the offender pay a surcharge of not more than five per cent of the amount of the restitution otherwise ordered + See moreto the entity responsible for collecting and processing restitution payments.
State courts | Other | Felony |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2929.18(B)(10) | Financial Sanctions -- Death of a police dog or horse |
(10) For a felony violation of division (A) of section 2921.321 of the Revised Code that results in the death of the police dog or horse that is the subject of the + See moreviolation, the sentencing court shall impose upon the offender a mandatory fine from the range of fines provided under division (A)(3) of this section for a felony of the third degree. A mandatory fine imposed upon an offender under division (B)(10) of this section shall be paid to the law enforcement agency that was served by the police dog or horse that was killed in the felony violation of division (A) of section 2921.321 of the Revised Code to be used as provided in division (E)(1)(b) of that section.
Law enforcement | N/A | Felony |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 311.17 | Sheriff: Fees |
When any of the services described in division (A) or (B) of this section are rendered by an officer or employee, whose salary or per diem compensation is paid by the county, the applicable legal fees and any other extraordinary expenses, including overtime, provided for the service shall be taxed in the costs in the case and, when collected, shall be paid into the general fund of the county.
County |
County |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2949.111 | Assignment of offender’s payments toward satisfaction of costs, restitution, fine or supervision fees |
Unless the court, in accordance with division (C) of this section, enters in the record of the case a different method of assigning payments, if a person who is charged with a misdemeanor is convicted of or pleads guilty to the offense, if the court orders the offender to pay any combination of court costs, state fines or costs, restitution, a conventional fine, or any reimbursement, and if the offender makes any payment of any of them to a clerk of court, the clerk shall assign the offender's payment in the following manner: (1) If the court ordered the offender to pay any court costs, the offender's payment shall be assigned toward the satisfaction of those court costs until they have been entirely paid. (2) If the court ordered the offender to pay any state fines or costs and if all of the court costs that the court ordered the offender to pay have been paid, the remainder of the offender's payment shall be assigned on a pro rata basis toward the satisfaction of the state fines or costs until they have been entirely paid. (3) If the court ordered the offender to pay any restitution and if all of the court costs and state fines or costs that the court ordered the offender to pay have been paid, the remainder of the offender's payment shall be assigned toward the satisfaction of the restitution until it has been entirely paid. (4) If the court ordered the offender to pay any fine and if all of the court costs, state fines or costs, and restitution that the court ordered the offender to pay have been paid, the remainder of the offender's payment shall be assigned toward the satisfaction of the fine until it has been entirely paid. (5) If the court ordered the offender to pay any reimbursement and if all of the court costs, state fines or costs, restitution, and fines that the court ordered the offender to pay have been paid, the remainder of the offender's payment shall be assigned toward the satisfaction of the reimbursements until they have been entirely paid. (C) If a person who is charged with a misdemeanor is convicted of or pleads guilty to the offense and if the court orders the offender to pay any combination of court costs, state fines or costs, restitution, fines, or reimbursements, the court, at the time it orders the offender to make those payments, may prescribe an order of payments that differs from the order set forth in division (B) of this section by entering in the record of the case the order so prescribed. If a different order is entered in the record, on receipt of any payment, the clerk of the court shall assign the payment in the manner prescribed by the court.
All courts | N/A | All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code §2949.093(D)(2) | County participation in criminal justice regional information system |
All such money collected during a month shall be transmitted on the first business day of the following month by the clerk of the court to the county treasurer of the county in which the court is located and thereafter the county treasurer shall deposit the money in that county's criminal justice regional information fund.
County |
Criminal justice regional information fund |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2949.094(C) | Additional court costs for drug law enforcement, justice program services, and indigent drivers alcohol treatment funds |
Whenever a person is charged with any offense that is a moving violation and posts bail, the court shall add to the amount of the bail the ten dollars required to be paid by division (A) of this section. The clerk of the court shall retain the ten dollars until the person is convicted, pleads guilty, forfeits bail, is found not guilty, or has the charges dismissed. If the person is convicted, pleads guilty, or forfeits bail, the clerk shall transmit three dollars and fifty cents out of the ten dollars to the state treasury of which ninety-seven per cent shall be credited to the drug law enforcement fund created under section 5502.68 of the Revised Code and the remaining three per cent shall be credited to the justice program services fund created under section 5502.67 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall transmit one dollar and fifty cents out of the ten dollars to the county, municipal, or county juvenile indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund under the control of that court, as created by the county or municipal corporation under division (H) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code, and the clerk shall transmit five dollars out of the ten dollars to the state treasury to be credited to the indigent defense support fund created under section 120.08 of the Revised Code. If the person is found not guilty or the charges are dismissed, the clerk shall return the ten dollars to the person.
State/statewide agency |
County; Municipality;municipal agency. |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2501.16(B) | Clerks; employees; funding of special projects |
The court of appeals may determine that, for the efficient operation of the court, additional funds are necessary to acquire and pay for special projects of the court, including, but not limited to, the acquisition of additional facilities or the rehabilitation of existing facilities, the acquisition of equipment, the hiring and training of staff, the employment of magistrates, the training and education of judges, acting judges, and magistrates, community service programs, and other related services. Upon that determination, the court by rule may charge a fee, in addition to all other court costs, on the filing of each case or cause over which the court has jurisdiction . . . All moneys collected under division (B) of this section shall be paid to the county treasurer of the county selected as the principal seat of that court of appeals for deposit into either a general special projects fund or a fund established for a specific special project. Moneys from a fund of that nature shall be disbursed upon an order of the court in an amount no greater than the actual cost to the court of a project. If a specific fund is terminated because of the discontinuance of a program or service established under division (B) of this section, the court may order that moneys remaining in the fund be transferred to an account established under this division for a similar purpose
State courts |
County |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2743.70(A) | Additional court costs and bail to be charged |
The court shall not waive the payment of the thirty or nine dollars court costs, unless the court determines that the offender is indigent and waives the payment of all court costs imposed upon the indigent offender. All such moneys shall be transmitted on the first business day of each month by the clerk of the court to the treasurer of state and deposited by the treasurer in the reparations fund.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Felony, Misdemeanor |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2301.14 | Taxing costs |
The clerk of the court of common pleas in which the service of a court interpreter is rendered shall tax in the cost bill in such case, to be collected as other costs, the sum of three dollars for each day of service of such interpreter, which fees shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the county fund
County | N/A | All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 27403.70(B) | Juvenile Reparations Payment, Felony if committed by an adult |
The thirty or nine dollars court costs shall be collected in all cases unless the court determines the juvenile is indigent and waives the payment of all court costs, or enters an order on its journal stating that it has determined that the juvenile is indigent, that no other court costs are to be taxed in the case, and that the payment of the thirty or nine dollars court costs is waived. All such moneys collected during a month shall be transmitted on or before the twentieth day of the following month by the clerk of the court to the treasurer of state and deposited by the treasurer in the reparations fund.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Felony, Misdemeanor |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2301.21 | Fees of shorthand reporters |
The fees so collected shall be paid quarterly by the clerk of the court of common pleas in which the cases were tried into the treasury of the county and shall be credited by the county treasurer to the general fund.
County |
County |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2151.541(C)(1)-(2) | Financial sanctions; restitution; reimbursements |
(C)(1) Except as provided in section 2951.021 of the Revised Code, the offender shall pay reimbursements imposed upon the offender pursuant to division (A)(5)(a) of this section to pay the costs incurred by a county pursuant to any sanction imposed under this section or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised Code or in operating a facility used to confine offenders pursuant to a sanction imposed under section 2929.16 of the Revised Code to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall deposit the reimbursements in the sanction cost reimbursement fund that each board of county commissioners shall create in its county treasury. The county shall use the amounts deposited in the fund to pay the costs incurred by the county pursuant to any sanction imposed under this section or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised Code or in operating a facility used to confine offenders pursuant to a sanction imposed under section 2929.16 of the Revised Code.
(2) Except as provided in section 2951.021 of the Revised Code, the offender shall pay reimbursements imposed upon the offender pursuant to division (A)(5)(a) of this section to pay the costs incurred by a municipal corporation pursuant to any sanction imposed under this section or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised Code or in operating a facility used to confine offenders pursuant to a sanction imposed under section 2929.16 of the Revised Code to the treasurer of the municipal corporation. The treasurer shall deposit the reimbursements in a special fund that shall be established in the treasury of each municipal corporation. The municipal corporation shall use the amounts deposited in the fund to pay the costs incurred by the municipal corporation pursuant to any sanction imposed under this section or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised Code or in operating a facility used to confine offenders pursuant to a sanction imposed under section 2929.16 of the Revised Code. |
Municipality/municipal agency |
County |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2953.32(C)(3) | Sealing of record of conviction or bail forfeiture |
(3) An applicant may request the sealing of the records of more than one case in a single application under this section. Upon the filing of an application under this section, the applicant, unless indigent, shall pay a fee of fifty dollars, regardless of the number of records the application requests to have sealed. The court shall pay thirty dollars of the fee into the state treasury. It shall pay twenty dollars of the fee into the county general revenue fund if the sealed conviction or bail forfeiture was pursuant to a state statute, or into the general revenue fund of the municipal corporation involved if the sealed conviction or bail forfeiture was pursuant to a municipal ordinance.
State/statewide agency |
County; Municipality/municipal agency. |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 509.15 | Fees of constables |
The following fees and expenses shall be taxed as costs, collected from the judgment debtor, and paid to the general fund of the appropriate township or district as compensation due for services rendered by township constables or members of the police force of a township police district or joint police district:
County |
Local jurisdiction |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2151.541(B)(1) | Additional fees to pay for computerizing court or office of clerk or for computerized legal research services |
All moneys collected under this division shall be paid to the county treasurer to be disbursed, upon an order of the juvenile judge and subject to appropriation by the board of county commissioners, in an amount no greater than the actual cost to the juvenile court of procuring and maintaining computer systems for the clerk's office.
State courts |
County |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2947.23(A)(2)(a) | Judgment for costs and jury fees |
If a jury has been sworn at the trial of a case, the fees of the jurors shall be included in the costs, which shall be paid to the public treasury from which the jurors were paid.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 1901.261(A)(2) | Additional fees and costs to pay for computerized legal research services or to computerize office of clerk |
All fees collected under this section shall be paid on or before the twentieth day of the month following the month in which they are collected to the county treasurer if the court is a county-operated municipal court or to the city treasurer if the court is not a county-operated municipal court. The treasurer shall place the funds from the fees in a separate fund to be disbursed upon an order of the court, subject to an appropriation by the board of county commissioners if the court is a county-operated municipal court or by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation if the court is not a county-operated municipal court, or upon an order of the court, subject to the court making an annual report available to the public listing the use of all such funds, in an amount not greater than the actual cost to the court of computerizing the court, procuring and maintaining computerized legal research services, or both.
Municipal court |
Municipality/ municipal agency |
All |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 307.515 | Allowance to law libraries from fines and penalties of municipal, county, and common pleas courts; liquor and state traffic law violations |
(A) All fines and penalties collected by, and moneys arising from forfeited bail in, a municipal court for offenses and misdemeanors brought for prosecution in the name of a municipal corporation under one of its penal ordinances, where there is in force a state statute under which the offense might be prosecuted, or brought for prosecution in the name of the state, except a portion of those fines, penalties, and moneys that, plus all costs collected monthly in those state cases, equal the compensation allowed by the board of county commissioners to the judges of the municipal court, its clerk, and the prosecuting attorney of that court in state cases, shall be retained by the clerk of that municipal court and shall be deposited by the clerk each month in the county law library resources fund that is created under section 307.514 of the Revised Code in the county in which that municipal corporation is located. The sum that the clerk of the municipal court deposits in the county law library resources fund shall in no month be less than twenty-five per cent of the amount of such fines, penalties, and moneys received in that month, without deducting the amount of the allowance of the board of county commissioners to the judges, clerk, and prosecuting attorney.
The total amount paid under this section in any one calendar year by the clerks of all municipal courts in any one county to the county law library resources fund shall in no event exceed the following amounts: (1) In counties having a population of fifty thousand or less, seventy-five hundred dollars and the maximum amount paid by any of such courts shall not exceed four thousand dollars in any calendar year. (2) In counties having a population in excess of fifty thousand but not in excess of one hundred thousand, eight thousand dollars and the maximum amount paid by any of such courts shall not exceed five thousand five hundred dollars in any calendar year. (3) In counties having a population in excess of one hundred thousand but not in excess of one hundred fifty thousand, ten thousand dollars and the maximum amount paid by any of such courts shall not exceed seven thousand dollars in any calendar year. (4) In counties having a population of in excess of one hundred fifty thousand, fifteen thousand dollars in any calendar year. The maximum amount to be paid by each clerk shall be determined by the county auditor in December of each year for the next succeeding calendar year and shall bear the same ratio to the total amount payable under this section from the clerks of all municipal courts in such county as the total fines, costs, and forfeitures received by the corresponding municipal court, bear to the total fines, costs, and forfeitures received by all the municipal courts in the county, as shown for the last complete year of actual receipts, on the latest available budgets of such municipal courts. Payments in the full amounts provided in this section shall be made monthly by each clerk in each calendar year until the maximum amount for such year has been paid. When that amount, so determined by the auditor, has been paid to the county law library resources fund, then no further payments shall be required in that calendar year from the clerk of that court. (5) This section does not apply to fines collected by a municipal court for violations of division (B) of section 4513.263 of the Revised Code, or for violations of any municipal ordinance that is substantively comparable to that division, all of which shall be forwarded to the treasurer of state as provided in division (E) of section 4513.263 of the Revised Code. (B) The county treasurer, upon the voucher of the county auditor, shall deposit fifty per cent of all moneys collected by a county court accruing from fines, penalties, and forfeited bail, unless otherwise distributed by law, in the county law library resources fund in that county that is created under section 307.514 of the Revised Code. The county treasurer shall deposit those moneys into that fund within thirty days after those moneys have been paid into the county treasury by the clerk of the county court. This section does not apply to fines collected by a county court for violations of division (B) of section 4513.263 of the Revised Code, or for violations of any municipal ordinance that is substantively comparable to that division, all of which shall be forwarded to the treasurer of state as provided in division (E) of section 4513.263 of the Revised Code. (C) In each county of the state, the clerk of the court of common pleas and the clerk of the probate court shall retain all fines and penalties collected by, and moneys arising from forfeited bail in, the court of common pleas and the probate court of that county for offenses and misdemeanors brought for prosecution in those courts in the name of the state and monthly shall deposit those moneys in the county law library resources fund in that county that is created under section 307.514 of the Revised Code. The total sums so deposited shall not exceed twelve hundred fifty dollars per annum, and when that amount has been deposited in the fund in accordance with this section then no further payments shall be required under this section in that calendar year from the clerks of those respective courts. This section does not apply to fines collected by a court of common pleas for violations of division (B) of section 4513.263 of the Revised Code, all of which shall be forwarded to the treasurer of state as provided in division (E) of that section. This section does not apply to fines imposed under division (B)(9) of section 2929.18 of the Revised Code and collected by a court of common pleas, all of which shall be forwarded by the court to the treasurer of state not later than the twentieth day of the month after the month in which they are collected for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the rape crisis program trust fund created by section 109.921 of the Revised Code. (D) In each county, the treasurer of the county or the treasurer of the municipal corporation shall deposit monthly fifty per cent of all fines and penalties collected by, and fifty per cent of moneys arising from forfeited bail in, any court in that county for offenses brought for prosecution under Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code and the state traffic laws in the county legal resources fund in that county that is created under section 307.514 of the Revised Code. The sum so deposited in that fund by each treasurer shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars per annum under Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code, and when that amount has been deposited in that fund in accordance with this section, then no further deposits shall be required under this section in that calendar year from those treasurers. As used in this section, “state traffic laws” does not include division (B) of section 4513.263 of the Revised Code. |
State/statewide agency |
County; |
Misdemeanor |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 2929.18(D),(F) | Financial sanctions; restitution; reimbursements |
(D) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a financial sanction imposed pursuant to division (A) or (B) of this section is a judgment in favor of the state or a political subdivision in which the court that imposed the financial sanction is located, and the offender subject to the financial sanction is the judgment debtor. A financial sanction of reimbursement imposed pursuant to division (A)(5)(a)(ii) of this section upon an offender who is incarcerated in a state facility or a municipal jail is a judgment in favor of the state or the municipal corporation, and the offender subject to the financial sanction is the judgment debtor. A financial sanction of reimbursement imposed upon an offender pursuant to this section for costs incurred by a private provider of sanctions is a judgment in favor of the private provider, and the offender subject to the financial sanction is the judgment debtor. A financial sanction of a mandatory fine imposed under division (B) (10) of this section that is required under that division to be paid to a law enforcement agency is a judgment in favor of the specified law enforcement agency, and the offender subject to the financial 0 sanction is the judgment debtor. A financial sanction of restitution imposed pursuant to division (A) (1) or (B)(8) of this section is an order in favor of the victim of the offender’s criminal act that can be collected through a certificate of judgment as described in division (D)(1) of this section, through execution as described in division (D)(2) of this section, or through an order as described in division (D)(3) of this section, and the offender shall be considered for purposes of the collection as the judgment debtor.
(F) Each court imposing a financial sanction upon an offender under this section or under section 2929.32 of the Revised Code may designate the clerk of the court or another person to collect the financial sanction. The clerk or other person authorized by law or the court to collect the financial sanction may enter into contracts with one or more public agencies or private vendors for the collection of, amounts due under the financial sanction imposed pursuant to this section or section 2929.32 of the Revised Code. Before entering into a contract for the collection of amounts due from an offender pursuant to any financial sanction imposed pursuant to this section or section 2929.32 of the Revised Code, a court shall comply with sections 307.86 to 307.92 of the Revised Code. |
Municipality/municipal agency |
Private actor |
Felony |
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Ohio | Ohio Rev. Code § 1901.261(B)(1) | Additional fees and costs to pay for computerized legal research services or to computerize office of clerk |
Subject to division (B)(2) of this section, all moneys collected under division (B)(1) of this section shall be paid on or before the twentieth day of the month following the month in which they are collected to the county treasurer if the court is a county-operated municipal court or to the city treasurer if the court is not a county-operated municipal court. The treasurer shall place the funds from the fees in a separate fund to be disbursed, upon an order of the municipal court and subject to an appropriation by the board of county commissioners if the court is a county-operated municipal court or by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation if the court is not a county-operated municipal court, in an amount no greater than the actual cost to the court of procuring and maintaining computer systems for the office of the clerk of the municipal court.
Municipal court |
Municipality/ municipal agency |
All |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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