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Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
18 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Who receives the funding | Other beneficiaries | Level of offense | |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.650(1)-(4) | Disposition of fines for traffic offenses; municipal court |
(1) If a municipal court enters a judgment of conviction for a traffic offense and the conviction resulted from a prosecution arising out of an arrest or complaint made by an officer of the Oregon State Police or by any other enforcement officer employed by state government, as defined in ORS 174.111: (a) The amount prescribed by ORS 153.633 (2) is payable to the state and must be forwarded to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the Criminal Fine Account; (b) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, one-half of the amount remaining after any payment required by paragraph (a) of this subsection is payable to the city in which the municipal court is located; and (c) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, one-half of the amount remaining after any payment required by paragraph (a) of this subsection is payable to the state.
(2) If a municipal court enters a judgment of conviction for a traffic offense and the conviction resulted from a prosecution arising out of an arrest or complaint made by a city police officer or any other enforcement officer employed by the city: (a) The amount prescribed by ORS 153.633 (2) is payable to the state and must be forwarded to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the Criminal Fine Account; and (b) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, the remaining amount of the fine is payable to the city in which the court is located. (3) If a municipal court enters a judgment of conviction for a traffic offense and the conviction resulted from a prosecution arising out of an arrest or complaint made by an enforcement officer employed by any other local government, as defined in ORS 174.116: (a) The amount prescribed by ORS 153.633 (2) is payable to the state and must be forwarded to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the Criminal Fine Account; (b) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, one-half of the amount remaining after any payment required by paragraph (a) of this subsection is payable to the local government that employs the enforcement officer; and (c) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, one-half of the amount remaining after any payment required by paragraph (a) of this subsection is payable to the city in which the court is located. (4) If the full amount of the fine imposed by a municipal court is collected, the last $16 of the amount collected shall be paid to the county treasurer for the county in which the court is located and may be used only for the purposes specified in ORS 153.660. If the full amount of the fine imposed is not collected, the $16 payment required by this subsection shall be reduced by one dollar for every dollar of the fine that is not collected. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to fines imposed for violations of ORS 811.590, 814.485, 814.486, 814.534, 814.536, 814.600 or 830.990 (1). |
State/statewide agency |
Criminal Fine Account; County. |
Traffic |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.655(1) | Disposition of fines for mass transit district ordinance violations |
(1) If a court enters a judgment of conviction for the violation of an ordinance enacted by the district board of a mass transit district under ORS 267.150, amounts collected under the judgment are payable as follows: (a) The amount prescribed by ORS 153.633 (1) is payable to the state and must be deposited in the Criminal Fine Account; (b) One-half of the amount remaining after any payment required by paragraph (a) of this subsection is payable to the district that enacted the ordinance; and (c) One-half of the amount remaining after any payment required by paragraph (a) of this subsection is payable as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(2)(a) If a judgment of conviction that is subject to subsection (1) of this section is entered in circuit court, the amount specified in subsection (1)(c) of this section shall be paid to the state. (b) If a judgment of conviction that is subject to subsection (1) of this section is entered in justice court, the amount specified in subsection (1)(c) of this section shall be paid to the county that established the court. (c) If a judgment of conviction that is subject to subsection (1) of this section is entered in municipal court, the amount specified in subsection (1)(c) of this section shall be paid to the city that established the court. |
State/statewide agency |
Criminal Fine Account, district that enacted the ordinance; county; local jurisdiction. |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 144.605 | Fee for application to transfer supervision |
A person on probation, parole or post-prison supervision who applies to transfer supervision under the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision described in ORS 144.600 must pay an application fee in an amount determined by rule of the Department of Corrections. The fee shall be collected by the supervisory authority as defined in ORS 144.087 and forwarded to the Governors office for deposit in the Arrest and Return Account described in ORS 133.865.
State/statewide agency |
Arrest and Return Account |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 137.017 | Disposition of fines, costs and security deposits received by court |
Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, all fines, costs, security deposits and other amounts ordered or required to be paid in criminal actions in circuit courts are monetary obligations payable to the state and shall be deposited in the Criminal Fine Account.
State/statewide agency |
NA |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 151.487 | Public Defender Services fee |
If in determining that a person is financially eligible for appointed counsel under ORS 151.485, the court finds that the person has financial resources that enable the person to pay in full or in part the administrative costs of determining the eligibility of the person and the costs of the legal and other services to be provided at state expense that are related to the provision of appointed counsel, the court shall enter a limited judgment requiring that the person pay to the Public Defense Services Account established by ORS 151.225, through the clerk of the court, the amount that it finds the person is able to pay without creating substantial hardship in providing basic economic necessities to the person or the person's dependent family. The amount that a court may require the person to pay is subject to the guidelines and procedures issued by the Public Defense Services Commission as provided in subsection (4) of this section
State/statewide agency |
Public Defense Services Account |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.675(1) | Disposition of amounts payable to state and local governments |
Amounts payable to the state under ORS 153.633 (Distribution to state), 153.645 (Disposition of fines for traffic offenses) and 153.650 (Disposition of fines for traffic offenses) shall be transferred by the court to the Department of Revenue for distribution as provided in ORS 305.830 (Collection of fines, penalties and forfeitures). Amounts payable to a local government under ORS 153.640 (Disposition of fines for traffic offenses) to 153.680 (Costs) shall be deposited by the court in the local governments general fund and are available for general governmental purposes.
State/statewide agency |
Local jurisdiction |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 151.505(5) | Authority of court to order repayment of costs related to provision of appointed counsel |
All moneys collected or paid under a money award made pursuant to this section shall be paid into the Criminal Fine Account. |
State/statewide agency |
Criminal Fine Account |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.633(1) | Distribution to state |
(1) In any criminal action in a circuit court in which a fine is imposed, the lesser of the following amounts is payable to the state before any other distribution of the fine is made: (a) $60; or (b) The amount of the fine if the fine is less than $60.
State/statewide agency |
NA |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 161.665(6) | Costs |
Except as provided in subsection (7) of this section, all moneys collected or paid under this section shall be paid into the Criminal Fine Account. |
State/statewide agency |
Criminal Fine Account |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.633(1)-(3) | Distribution to state |
(1) In any criminal action in a circuit court in which a fine is imposed, the lesser of the following amounts is payable to the state before any other distribution of the fine is made: (a) $65; or (b) The amount of the fine if the fine is less than $65.
(2) In any criminal action in a justice or municipal court in which a fine is imposed, the lesser of the following amounts is payable to the state before any other distribution of the fine is made: (a) $50; or (b) The amount of the fine if the fine is less than $50. (3) A justice or municipal court shall forward the amount prescribed under subsection (2) of this section to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the Criminal Fine Account. |
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 137.143 | All monetary obligations constitute single obligation on part of convicted person |
All fines, costs, restitution, compensatory fines and other monetary obligations imposed upon a convicted person in a circuit, justice or municipal court constitute a single obligation on the part of the convicted person. The clerk shall divide the total obligation as provided in ORS 137.145 (Definitions for ORS 137.145 to 137.159) to 137.159 (Level V obligations in circuit court judgments), based on the different parts of the obligation, and shall credit and distribute all moneys received in payment of the obligation in the manner provided by ORS 137.145 (Definitions for ORS 137.145 to 137.159) to 137.159 (Level V obligations in circuit court judgments).
State/statewide agency |
NA |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 161.665(7) | Costs |
The court may, in the judgment of conviction, include a money award requiring the defendant to pay the costs of extraditing the defendant to this state. Any amounts awarded to the state under this subsection must be listed separately in the money award portion of the judgment. All moneys collected or paid under this subsection shall be deposited into the Arrest and Return Account established by ORS 133.865.
State/statewide agency |
Arrest and Return Account |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 423.570(4) | Monthly fee payable by person on supervised release; use; payment as condition of release; waiver |
Fees are payable one month following the commencement of probation, parole, post-prison supervision or other supervised release and at one-month intervals thereafter. If the released person is supervised under county authority, the county shall collect or provide by contract for the collection of the fee from the released person and shall retain the fee to be used by the county for funding of its community corrections program.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 137.183(6) | Application against cost of collection |
Moneys collected as interest under a criminal judgment may be applied against costs of collection. Except as provided in subsection (7) of this section:(a) Any amounts of moneys collected as interest on judgments of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Oregon Tax Court or circuit courts that remain after payment of collection costs shall be deposited in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Account to be used for the purposes specified in ORS 147.225 (Criminal Injuries Compensation Account). (b) Any amounts of moneys collected as interest on judgments of the municipal or justice courts that remain after payment of collection costs shall be deposited in the general fund of the city or county in which the court operates and be available for general governmental purposes.
State/statewide agency |
Criminal Injuries Compensation Account; local jurisdiction; county. |
All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 137.300 | Criminal Fine Account; rules |
(1) The Criminal Fine Account is established in the General Fund. Except as otherwise provided by law, all amounts collected in state courts as monetary obligations in criminal actions shall be deposited by the courts in the account. All moneys in the account are continuously appropriated to the Department of Revenue to be distributed by the Department of Revenue as provided in this section. The Department of Revenue shall keep a record of moneys transferred into and out of the account.
(2) The Legislative Assembly shall first allocate moneys from the Criminal Fine Account for the following purposes, in the following order of priority: (a) Allocations for public safety standards, training and facilities. (b) Allocations for criminal injuries compensation and assistance to victims of crime and children reasonably suspected of being victims of crime. (c) Allocations for the forensic services provided by the Oregon State Police, including, but not limited to, services of the Chief Medical Examiner. (d) Allocations for the maintenance and operation of the Law Enforcement Data System. (3) After making allocations under subsection (2) of this section, the Legislative Assembly shall allocate moneys from the Criminal Fine Account for the following purposes: (a) Allocations to the Law Enforcement Medical Liability Account established under ORS 414.815. (b) Allocations to the State Court Facilities and Security Account established under ORS 1.178. (c) Allocations to the Department of Corrections for the purpose of planning, operating and maintaining county juvenile and adult corrections programs and facilities and drug and alcohol programs. (d) Allocations to the Oregon Health Authority for the purpose of grants under ORS 430.345 for the establishment, operation and maintenance of alcohol and drug abuse prevention, early intervention and treatment services provided through a county. (e) Allocations to the Oregon State Police for the purpose of the enforcement of the laws relating to driving under the influence of intoxicants. (f) Allocations to the Arrest and Return Account established under ORS 133.865. (g) Allocations to the Intoxicated Driver Program Fund established under ORS 813.270. (h) Allocations to the State Court Technology Fund established under ORS 1.012. (4) It is the intent of the Legislative Assembly that allocations from the Criminal Fine Account under subsection (3) of this section be consistent with historical funding of the entities, programs and accounts listed in subsection (3) of this section from monetary obligations imposed in criminal proceedings. Amounts that are allocated under subsection (3)(c) of this section shall be distributed to counties based on the amounts that were transferred to counties by circuit courts during the 2009-2011 biennium under the provisions of ORS 137.308, as in effect January 1, 2011. (5) Moneys in the Criminal Fine Account may not be allocated for the payment of debt service obligations. (6) The Department of Revenue shall deposit in the General Fund all moneys remaining in the Criminal Fine Account after the distributions listed in subsections (2) and (3) of this section have been made. (7) The Department of Revenue shall establish by rule a process for distributing moneys in the Criminal Fine Account. The department may not distribute more than one-eighth of the total biennial allocation to an entity during a calendar quarter. |
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 305.830 | Collection of fines, penalties and forfeitures; disbursement; cost of collection |
(1) Amounts transferred to the Department of Revenue by justice and municipal courts under ORS 153.633, 153.645, 153.650 and 153.657 shall be deposited in a suspense account established under ORS 293.445 for the purpose of receiving criminal fines and assessments.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.633 | Amount of fine payable to state |
(1) In any criminal action in a circuit court in which a fine is imposed, the lesser of the following amounts is payable to the state before any other distribution of the fine is made: (a) $65; or (b) The amount of the fine if the fine is less than $65.
(2) In any criminal action in a justice or municipal court in which a fine is imposed, the lesser of the following amounts is payable to the state before any other distribution of the fine is made: (a) $50; or (b) The amount of the fine if the fine is less than $50. (3) A justice or municipal court shall forward the amount prescribed under subsection (2) of this section to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the Criminal Fine Account. |
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Oregon | Or. Rev. Stat. § 137.017 | Fines, costs, security deposits, etc. in criminal actions; deposit in Criminal Fine Account |
Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, all fines, costs, security deposits and other amounts ordered or required to be paid in criminal actions in circuit courts are monetary obligations payable to the state and shall be deposited in the Criminal Fine Account.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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