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Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
5 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Who receives the funding | Other beneficiaries | Level of offense | |
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Tennessee | Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-428(c)(1) | Fines and Penalties; Mandatory Minimums; Allocation |
Fifty percent (50%) of any fine collected pursuant to subsection (b) shall be allocated in the manner set out in § 39-17-420. The remaining fifty percent (50%) shall be paid + See moreto the general fund of the governing body of the law enforcement agency responsible for the investigation and arrest which resulted in the drug conviction; provided, that if a drug task force is responsible for the investigation and arrest, the amount above the minimum fine shall be paid to the general fund of the governing body of one (1) or more counties and cities within the judicial district as directed by the court. Notwithstanding § 39-17-420(a)(1) or any other law to the contrary, a portion of any fine collected pursuant to subsection (b) may be expended to fund programs and services for infants and children who are afflicted by HIV or AIDS. Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2) and in subsection (d), all fines and forfeitures of appearance bonds received because of a violation of any provision of this part and that are specifically set forth in this part, and the proceeds of goods seized and forfeited under § 53-11-451 and disposed of according to law, shall be accounted for in a special revenue fund of the jurisdiction that initiated the arrest, or in a special reserve fund of the university employing the campus police officers if the arrest was initiated by campus police officers as defined in § 49-7-118 or in the special revenue fund of the department of correction if the arrest was initiated by the internal affairs director or an internal affairs special agent of the department of correction. All financial activities related to funds received under this part shall be accounted for in this fund. Cash transactions related to undercover investigative operations of county or municipal drug enforcement programs shall be administered in compliance with procedures established by the comptroller of the treasury. Moneys in the special revenue fund may be used only for the following purposes: (A) Local drug enforcement program; (B) Local drug education program; (C) Local drug treatment program; and (D) Nonrecurring general law enforcement expenditures.
Law enforcement | Drug Enforcement, Education, and Treatment Programs | All |
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Tennessee | Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-114(d) | Trannsport of illegal aliens | Any moneys received from a violation of this section shall go to the arresting agency or agencies. | Law enforcement | n/a | Misdemeanor |
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Tennessee | Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-39-204(c) | Sexual Offender Reporting Fee |
Once a year, all sexual offenders shall report in person, no earlier than seven (7) calendar days before and no later than seven (7) calendar days after the offender's date + See moreof birth, to the designated law enforcement agency to update the offender's fingerprints, palm prints and photograph, as determined necessary by the agency, to verify the continued accuracy of the information in the TBI registration form and to pay the specified administrative costs,not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150), one hundred dollars ($100) of which shall be retained by the designated law enforcement agency to be used for the purchase of equipment, to defray personnel and maintenance costs and any other expenses incurred as a result of the implementation of this part. The remaining fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be submitted by the registering agency to the TBI for maintenance, upkeep and employment costs, as well as any other expenses incurred as a result of the implementation of this part. Offenders whose initial registration occurs after the annual reporting period shall be required to pay the administrative costs at the time of the initial registration. Offenders who reside in nursing homes and assisted living facilities and offenders committed to mental health institutions or continuously confined to home or health care facilities due to mental or physical disabilities are exempt from the in-person reporting and fingerprinting and administrative cost as otherwise provided by this part. However, if an offender is released or discharged from a nursing home, assisted living facility or mental health institution or is no longer continuously confined to home or a health care facility due to mental or physical disabilities, the offender shall, within forty-eight (48) hours, register in person with the designated law enforcement agency, completing and signing a TBI registration form, under penalty of perjury, pursuant to § 39-16-702(b)(3). If the offender has previously registered prior to the release or discharge, the offender shall, within forty-eight (48) hours, report in person to the designated law enforcement agency and update all information pursuant to this section.
Law enforcement | Registering Agency | All |
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Tennessee | Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-10-413(e) | Fees - Blood Alcohol Concentration Test |
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, in any county having a population of not less than three hundred seven thousand eight hundred (307,800) nor more than three hundred seven + See morethousand nine hundred (307,900), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, upon conviction for a violation of § 55-10-401, § 55-10-415, § 55-10-421 or § 55-50-408, the court shall assess against the defendant a blood alcohol concentration test (BAT) fee to be established by the county legislative body of any county to which this subsection (e) applies in an amount not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) for obtaining a blood sample for the purpose of performing a test to determine the alcoholic or drug content of the defendant's blood pursuant to § 55-10-406 that is incurred by the governmental entity served by the law enforcement agency arresting the defendant. The fee authorized by this subsection (e) shall only be assessed if a blood sample is actually taken from a defendant convicted of any of these offenses and the test is actually performed on the sample.
Law enforcement | n/a | All |
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Tennessee | Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-10-412(c) | Reimbursement of jails; expending funds |
(a) A portion of any fine imposed upon a person for a violation of § 55-10-401, up to the maximum fine actually imposed, shall be returned to the sheriff of + See morea county jail or to the chief administrative officer of a city jail for the purpose of reimbursing the sheriff or officer for the cost of incarcerating the person for each night the person is actually in custody for a violation of § 55-10-401. This reimbursement shall be in the same amount as is provided by § 8-26-105, and shall not in any event be less than the actual cost of maintaining the person and shall be reimbursed in the manner provided by § 8-26-106.(b) The proceeds from the increased portion of the fines for driving under the influence of an intoxicant provided for in chapter 948 of the Public Acts of 1994 shall be collected by the respective court clerks and then deposited in a dedicated county fund. This fund shall not revert to the county general fund at the end of a fiscal year but shall remain for the purposes set out in this section. For purposes of this section, the increased portion of the fine shall for all purposes be considered to be the first one hundred dollars ($100) collected after the initial collection of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) on a first offense, the first one hundred dollars ($100) collected after the initial collection of five hundred dollars ($500) on a second offense, and the first one hundred dollars ($100) collected after the initial collection of one thousand dollars ($1,000) on a third or subsequent offense.
(c) The respective counties shall be authorized to expend the funds generated by the increased fines provided for in chapter 948 of the Public Acts of 1994, by appropriations to any of the following:
(1) Alcohol, drug, and mental health treatment facilities licensed by the department of mental health and substance abuse services;
(2) Metropolitan drug commissions or other similar programs sanctioned by the governor's Drug Free Tennessee program for the purposes of chapter 948 of the Public Acts of 1994 ;
(3) Organizations exempted from the payment of federal income taxes by § 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code, codified in 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3), whose primary mission is to educate the public on the dangers of illicit drug use, alcohol abuse, or the co-occurring disorder of both alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness or to render treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, or the co-occurring disorder of both alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness;
(4) Specialized court programs and specialized court dockets that supervise offenders who suffer from alcohol and drug abuse, or the co-occurring disorder of both alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness;
(5) Organizations that operate drug, alcohol, or co-occurring disorder treatment programs for the homeless or indigent;
(6) Agencies or organizations for purposes of drug testing of offenders who have been placed on misdemeanor probation; and
(7) The employment of a probation officer for the purposes of supervising drug and alcohol offenders.
Law enforcement | Treatment Facilities; Drug Commissions; Drug Education Organizations; Court Programs; Probation Officers | All |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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