Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.

4 Results

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State Statute Description/Statute Name Statutory language Who receives the funding Other beneficiaries Level of offense
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Tennessee Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-101(b)(2) Assault - Domestic Abuse
The additional fine shall be paid to the clerk of the court imposing sentence, who shall transfer it to the state treasurer, who shall credit the fine to the general
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fund. All fines so credited to the general fund shall be subject to appropriation by the general assembly for the exclusive purpose of funding family violence shelters and shelter services. Such appropriation shall be in addition to any amount appropriated pursuant to § 67-4-411.
Private actors n/a Misdemeanor
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Tennessee Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-102(e)(2) Aggravated Assault - Domestic Abuse
The additional fine shall be paid to the clerk of the court imposing sentence, who shall transfer it to the state treasurer, who shall credit the fine to the general
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fund. All fines so credited to the general fund shall be subject to appropriation by the general assembly for the exclusive purpose of funding family violence shelters and shelter services. Such appropriation shall be in addition to any amount appropriated pursuant to § 67-4-411.
Private actors n/a All
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Tennessee Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-10-412(c) Reckless Endangerment - Additional Fee
The respective counties shall be authorized to expend the funds generated by the increased fines provided for in chapter 948 of the Public Acts of 1994, by appropriations to any
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of the following:(1) Alcohol, drug, and mental health treatment facilities licensed by the department of mental health and substance abuse services; (2) Metropolitan drug commissions or other similar programs sanctioned by the governor's Drug Free Tennessee program for the purposes of chapter 948 of the Public Acts of 1994 ; (3) Organizations exempted from the payment of federal income taxes by § 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code, codified in 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3), whose primary mission is to educate the public on the dangers of illicit drug use, alcohol abuse, or the co-occurring disorder of both alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness or to render treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, or the co-occurring disorder of both alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness; (4) Specialized court programs and specialized court dockets that supervise offenders who suffer from alcohol and drug abuse, or the co-occurring disorder of both alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness; (5) Organizations that operate drug, alcohol, or co-occurring disorder treatment programs for the homeless or indigent; (6) Agencies or organizations for purposes of drug testing of offenders who have been placed on misdemeanor probation; and (7) The employment of a probation officer for the purposes of supervising drug and alcohol offenders.
Private actors Treatment Facilities; Drug Commissions; Drug Education Organizations; Court Programs; Probation Officers All
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Tennessee Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-111(c)(5) Domestic Assault - Additional Fee
The additional fine shall be paid to the clerk of the court imposing sentence, who shall transfer it to the state treasurer, who shall credit the fine to the general
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fund. All fines so credited to the general fund shall be subject to appropriation by the general assembly for the exclusive purpose of funding family violence shelters and shelter services. This appropriation shall be in addition to any amount appropriated pursuant to § 67-4-411.
Private actors n/a All