Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.

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Vermont Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 23 § 1210(i)-(k) Drunken Driving - Penalties

(i)  A person convicted of violating section 1201 of this title shall be assessed a surcharge of $ 60.00, which shall be added to any fine imposed by the Court. The

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Court shall collect and transfer such surcharge to the Department of Public Safety for deposit in the Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing Special Fund established by section 1220b of this title.

(j)  A person convicted of violating section 1201 of this title shall be assessed a surcharge of $ 50.00, which shall be added to any fine or surcharge imposed by the Court. The Court shall collect and transfer the surcharge assessed under this subsection to the Office of Defender General for deposit in the Public Defender Special Fund specifying the source of the monies being deposited. The collection procedures described in 13 V.S.A. § 5240 shall be utilized in the collection of this surcharge.

(k)  A person convicted of violating section 1201 of this title shall be assessed a surcharge of $ 50.00, which shall be added to any fine or surcharge imposed by the Court. The Court shall collect and transfer the surcharge assessed under this subsection to be credited to the DUI Enforcement Fund. The collection procedures described in 13 V.S.A. § 5240 shall be utilized in the collection of this surcharge.

State/statewide agency

Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing Special Fund; Public Defender Special Fund; DUI Enforcement Fund.

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Vermont Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 13 § 7252 Fines and penalties payable to State

All fines, forfeitures, and penalties received by the district or superior court or by the judicial bureau, except as provided in section 7251 of this title, shall belong and be

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paid to the state, except for a $12.50 administrative charge for each offense or violation where a fine or penalty is assessed. The administrative charge shall be deposited in the court technology special fund established pursuant to 4 V.S.A. § 27.

State/statewide agency

State/state agency (court technology special fund).

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Vermont Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 13 § 5239(a) Public Defender Special Fund

The Public Defender Special Fund is hereby created. All co-payments, reimbursements, and assignment fees paid by persons receiving representation under this chapter, as well as all amounts recovered pursuant to

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section 5255 of this title and 23 V.S.A. § 1210(j), shall be deposited in the Fund.

State/statewide agency

Public Defender Special Fund

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Vermont Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 13 § 7254 Unorganized towns and gores

Unless otherwise disposed of by law, fines, forfeitures, and penalties imposed on a person residing in an unorganized town or gore, shall belong and be paid to the State.

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