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Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
28 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Who receives the funding | Other beneficiaries | Level of offense | |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-175 | Docket fees; circuit court misdemeanor cases. |
(a) The following distribution shall be made of docket fees for misdemeanors in circuit court:(1) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. (2) Sixty-four dollars ($64) to the State General Fund. (3) Ten dollars ($10) to the county general fund. (4) Ten dollars ($10) to the District Attorney Fund or to the fund prescribed by law for district attorney fees. (5) Seven dollars ($7) to the Peace Officers' Annuity Fund. (6) Five dollars ($5) to the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Fund, except that the five dollars ($5) provided herein for the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Fund shall not be assessed and collected in traffic or conservation cases. (7) Five dollars ($5) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund. (b) The additional five dollars ($5) assessed and collected in misdemeanor cases in circuit court, effective October 1, 2000, shall be distributed to the Fair Trial Tax Fund.
State/statewide agency |
County general fund |
Misdemeanor |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-310 | Additional docket fees. |
(a)(2) In criminal cases in the circuit, district, and municipal courts, except juvenile cases and as further provided for traffic cases, an additional docket fee of forty dollars ($40) and in traffic cases, but excluding parking violations, an additional docket fee of twenty-six dollars ($26).(b)(1) Two dollars ($2) of the traffic docket fee shall be distributed to the Police Officers' Annuity Fund before any distribution pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of this section. (2) Ten dollars ($10) of each fee in municipal court shall be retained by the presiding municipal judge or the municipal court clerk for operation of the municipal court and, before any distribution in subsections (c) and (d), distributed to the municipality for the operation of the municipal courts. (c) There is established in the State Treasury the “State Judicial Administration Fund.” Two-thirds of the docket fees collected pursuant to subsection (a) shall be distributed to the fund and used by the Administrative Office of Courts as determined by the Administrative Director of Courts for the operation of courts in this state. (d) There is established in each judicial circuit of this state the “Presiding Circuit Judge's Judicial Administration Fund” and in each county in this state the “Circuit Clerk's Judicial Administration Fund.” One-sixth of the docket fees collected in each circuit pursuant to subsection (a) shall be distributed to the Presiding Circuit Judge's Judicial Administration Fund in the circuit. One-sixth of the docket fees collected in each county pursuant to subsection (a) shall be distributed to the Circuit Clerk's Judicial Administration Fund in the county.
State/statewide agency |
Municipality |
All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-179(c) | Docket fees; traffic infractions; alias writs |
(c) Fees for issuance of alias writs from circuit and district courts shall be distributed as follows:(1) Writs issuing from district court: a. Two dollars ($2) to the county general fund. b. Eighteen dollars ($18) to the State General Fund. (2) Writs issuing from circuit court: a. Five dollars ($5) to the county general fund. b. Twenty-five dollars ($25) to the State General Fund.
State/statewide agency |
County general fund |
All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-179(a)-(b) | Docket fees; traffic infractions; alias writs |
(a) The following distribution shall be made of docket fees for traffic infractions in district court:(1) Three dollars ($3) to the Police Officers' Annuity Fund. (2) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. (3) Eight dollars fifty cents ($8.50) to the State Drivers' Fund. (4) Forty-nine dollars ($49) to the State General Fund. (5) Three dollars ($3) to the county general fund. (6) An arrest fee of five dollars ($5) to the State General Fund or the state funds prescribed by law; except, that the arrest fee shall be paid into the county general fund in cases initiated by county law enforcement officers. (7) Two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) to the District Attorney Fund or to the fund prescribed by law for district attorney fees. (8) Five dollars ($5) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund.
(b) The additional five dollars ($5) assessed and collected in traffic cases in district court, effective October 1, 2000, shall be distributed to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. |
State/statewide agency |
County general fund |
Traffic |
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Alabama | Ala. Code 1975 § 13A-12-200.5(6) | Distribution of obscene material to minors — Display of material harmful to minors |
If a person is held under this section in the county jail, one-half of any fines collected and due to be deposited to the State General Fund for violations of this section shall be paid by the Comptroller to the general fund of the county where the person is held for the operation of the county jail.
State/statewide agency |
County |
Misdemeanor, Felony |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-172(d) | Docket fees; municipal ordinance cases |
In addition to the fees now authorized by law, an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30) shall be assessed in municipal courts upon conviction of a municipal ordinance violation, excluding parking violations. The fees shall be distributed as follows: Nine dollars ($9) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund; two dollars ($2) to the municipal general fund; three dollars ($3) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund; and sixteen dollars ($16) to the State General Fund. These fees shall be collected by the court clerk and remitted monthly in accordance with Rule 4 of the Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration. The two dollars ($2) which is distributed to the municipal general fund shall be used only for equipment, training, and certification of municipal court officials and employees and the fees shall not supplant existing funds designated by municipalities for equipment, education, and training of court personnel.
State/statewide agency |
Municipality |
All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 13A-12-200.3 | Dissemination of obscene material |
If a person is held under this section in the county jail, one-half of any fines collected and due to be deposited to the State General Fund for violations of this section shall be paid by the Comptroller to the general fund of the county where the person is held for the operation of the county jail.
State/statewide agency |
County |
Misdemeanor |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-176 | Docket fees; felony guilty pleas |
(a) The following distribution shall be made of docket fees for felony guilty plea cases in district court:(1) Ten dollars ($10) to the Police Officers' Annuity Fund. (2) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. (3) One hundred four dollars ($104) to the State General Fund. (4) Five dollars ($5) to the county general fund. (5) An arrest fee of five dollars ($5) to the State General Fund or the state funds prescribed by law; except, that in cases initiated by county law enforcement officers, the arrest fee shall be distributed to the county general fund. (6) Thirty dollars ($30) to the District Attorney Fund or to the fund prescribed by law for district attorney fees. (7) Ten dollars ($10) to the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Fund. (8) Five dollars ($5) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund.
(b) The additional five dollars ($5) assessed and collected in felony guilty plea cases in district court, effective October 1, 2000, shall be distributed to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. |
State/statewide agency |
County general fund |
Felony |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-173 | Docket fees: forfeiture of bond |
(a) The following distribution shall be made of docket fees in cases where the defendant forfeits bond in either the district court or circuit court:(1) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. (2) Thirty-nine dollars ($39) to the State General Fund. (3) Five dollars ($5) to the county general fund. (4) Five dollars ($5) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund. (
(b) Effective October 1, 2000, the docket fees for bond forfeitures in district and circuit courts shall be increased by five dollars ($5) and the additional fee shall be deposited into the Fair Trial Tax Fund. |
State/statewide agency |
County general fund |
All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-178 | Docket fees; district court misdemeanors |
(a) The following distribution shall be made of docket fees for misdemeanor cases in district court:(1) Seven dollars ($7) to the Police Officers' Annuity Fund. (2) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. (3) Sixty-four dollars ($64) to the State General Fund. (4) Five dollars ($5) to the county general fund. (5) An arrest fee of five dollars ($5) to the State General Fund or to the state funds prescribed by law; except, that the arrest fee shall be paid into the county general fund in cases initiated by county law enforcement officers. (6) Ten dollars ($10) to the District Attorney Fund or to the fund prescribed by law for district attorney fees. (7) Five dollars ($5) to the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Fund, except that the five dollars ($5) provided herein for the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Fund shall not be assessed and collected in conservation cases. (8) Five dollars ($5) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund.
(b) The additional five dollars ($5) assessed and collected in misdemeanor cases in district court, effective October 1, 2000, shall be distributed to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. |
State/statewide agency |
County general fund |
Misdemeanor |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-171(b) | Docket fees; schedule |
The subpoena fee shall be distributed as follows:(1) Five dollars ($5) to the county general fund. (2) Three dollars ($3) to the State General Fund. . |
State/statewide agency |
County |
All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-174 | Docket fees; circuit court felony fees |
(a) The following distribution shall be made of docket fees for felony cases in circuit court:(1) Ten dollars ($10) to the Peace Officers' Annuity Fund. (2) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. (3) One hundred four dollars ($104) to the State General Fund. (4) Five dollars ($5) to the county general fund. (5) An arrest fee of five dollars ($5) to the State General Fund or to the state funds prescribed by law; except, that in cases initiated by county law enforcement officers, the arrest fee shall be distributed to the county general fund. (6) Thirty dollars ($30) to the District Attorney Fund or to the fund prescribed by law for district attorney fees. (7) Ten dollars ($10) to the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Fund. (8) Five dollars ($5) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund.
(b) The additional five dollars ($5) assessed and collected in felony cases effective October 1, 2000, shall be distributed to the Fair Trial Tax Fund. |
State/statewide agency |
County general fund |
Felony |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-171(a)(3) | Docket fees; schedule |
(a) The following docket fees shall be collected for juvenile and criminal cases in the district court and the circuit court: (3) Docket fees for cases in the juvenile division of the district court or circuit court shall be assessed at eighty-five dollars ($85) and shall be distributed as follows.
State/statewide agency |
County |
All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-154 | Municipal ordinance cases; distribution of fees |
(a) Docket fees, fines and forfeitures collected in municipal ordinance cases in district court and in circuit court shall be distributed as follows:(1) Ninety percent of the docket fee to the State General Fund and 10 percent to the municipality; and (2) Ninety percent of the fines and forfeitures to the municipality and 10 percent to the State General Fund. (b) The municipal share of the docket fee is payable from that portion of the docket fee allocated to the county general fund, which allocation shall be reduced accordingly in all municipal ordinance cases.
State/statewide agency |
Municipality |
All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-2-100 | Clerk of the Supreme Court: Fees collected |
All fees and costs authorized by law and the Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure to be taxed and collected as cost for or fees of the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be collected by the Clerk of the Supreme Court and paid to the treasury quarterly as other public funds.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-172(b) | Docket fees; municipal ordinance cases |
The additional fee shall be deposited into the Fair Trial Tax Fund. |
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-26(a) | Administrative fees for periodic payment processing |
Said fee shall be remitted to the State General Fund. |
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-177 | Docket fees; preliminary hearings |
The docket fee collected in circuit court for preliminary hearings in district court shall be remitted to the State General Fund. |
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-171(c) | Docket fees; schedule |
The additional fee shall be deposited into the Fair Trial Tax Fund. |
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Alabama | Ala.Code 1975 § 12-19-152 | Court fees: Remittance to state fund |
Except as otherwise provided in Chapter 14 of this title, fines collected in misdemeanor and felony cases shall be remitted to the State General Fund; provided, that state funds or percentages thereof designated for use by state agencies or departments shall be distributed as otherwise provided by law.
State/statewide agency | N/A | Felony, Misdemeanor |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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