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Below are all of the laws that govern revenue flow that match your search criteria. Many include a See related provisions prompt which searches our database for laws that may pertain to your result.
54 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Who receives the funding | Other beneficiaries | Level of offense | |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-4-703(b) | Additional Fine -- Offense Committed Against a Child or in the Presence of a Child |
(1) A fine assessed and collected under this section shall be remitted on or before the fifteenth day of the following month to the Arkansas Children's Advocacy Center Fund. (2) A form identifying the amount of fines assessed under this section shall be transmitted with the collected fines.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-4-205(g)(6) | Restitution |
(A) A judgment shall require payment to the Department of Community Correction. (B) The department shall provide for supervision and disbursement of funds under subdivision (g)(6)(A) of this section by the department's authorized economic sanction officers.
Law enforcement | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-4-303(g)(4) | Conditions of Suspension or Probation -- Attorney's Fees |
(A) The assessed attorney's fee under subdivision (g)(2) of this section shall be collected by the county or city official, agency, or department designated under § 16-13-709 as primarily responsible for the collection of fines assessed in a circuit court or district court of this state. (B) On or before the tenth day of each month, the county or city official, agency, or department described in subdivision (g)(4)(A) of this section shall remit any assessed attorney's fee collected to the Arkansas Public Defender Commission on a form provided by the commission. (C) The commission shall deposit the money collected into a separate account within the State Central Services Fund to be known as "Public Defender Attorney Fees" to be used solely to defray costs for the commission.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-4-910 | Disposition of Court Costs and User Fees |
(a) All court costs and pre-adjudication probation program user fees assessed by the pre-adjudication probation program judge shall be paid to the circuit court clerk for remittance to the county treasury under § 14-14-1313.(b) The county treasurer shall credit all court costs received under this section to the county administration of justice fund to be distributed under § 16-10-307. (c) The county treasurer shall credit all pre-adjudication probation program user fees received under this section to a fund known as the county pre-adjudication probation program fund and appropriated by the quorum court for the benefit and administration of the pre-adjudication probation program.
County |
County Administration of Justice Fund, Pre-Adjudication Probation Program Fund |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-26-310(c) | Costs |
(1) Upon entering a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or being found guilty, a defendant violating §§ 5-26-303 -- 5-26-305 or §§ 5-26-307 -- 5-26-309 may be required to reimburse any abuse shelter or other entity providing a service to the victim under a provision of the Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Act, § 16-90-701 et seq., if some proof of expense is provided in conjunction with the Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Act, § 16-90-701 et seq. (2) (A) If the defendant maintains the home in which the abuse occurred and the victim will continue to incur lodging costs, the defendant may be ordered to continue to provide remuneration for the victim's lodging under a provision of the Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Act, § 16-90-701 et seq., until an action is commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Private actors |
Victims of Domestic Violence |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-26-412 | Payment of Fine to Spouse or Guardian |
When a fine is imposed a court may direct that it be paid in whole or in part to a spouse or to a guardian or custodian of a child. |
Private actors | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-26-414(a) | Order for Periodic Payments -- Release of Defendant on Own Recognizance |
In its discretion, the original trial court may: (1) Order a defendant who violates § 5-26-401 to pay a certain sum periodically, for a time not to exceed one (1) year, to the spouse or to the guardian or custodian of a child; and (2) Release the defendant from custody upon the defendant's entering a recognizance, with or without sureties, in such sum as the original trial court may direct.
Private actors | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-55-107(a)(1)(A) | Restitution and Collection |
(a) In addition to any other fine that may be levied, any person found guilty of or who pleads guilty or nolo contendere to Medicaid fraud as described in this subchapter is required to make full restitution and payment of costs as follows: (1) (A) The Department of Human Services, with the restitution to be deposited into the Arkansas Medicaid Program Trust Fund for the loss to the Arkansas Medicaid Program or its fiscal agents.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-55-107(a)(2) | Restitution and Collection |
(a) In addition to any other fine that may be levied, any person found guilty of or who pleads guilty or nolo contendere to Medicaid fraud as described in this subchapter is required to make full restitution and payment of costs as follows: (2) The office of the Attorney General or prosecuting attorney may recover reasonable and necessary expenses incurred during investigation and prosecution of Medicaid fraud.
Prosecutor | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-55-107(b)(1) | Restitution and Collection |
(b) (1) Upon a conviction of Medicaid fraud, the sentencing authority shall make a finding regarding the amount of restitution that a defendant shall pay, including without limitation: (A) The full amount of the monetary loss to the Arkansas Medicaid Program and its fiscal agents; (B) The amount of reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the office of the Attorney General or the prosecuting attorney during the investigation and prosecution; and (C) Any other measurable monetary damages directly related to the Medicaid fraud.
State/statewide agency |
The Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney. |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-55-108(a);(c) | Fines |
(a) Any person who is found guilty of or who pleads guilty or nolo contendere to Medicaid fraud as described in this subchapter shall pay one (1) of the following fines: ... (c) All fines assessed under subsection (a) of this section shall be credited to the general revenues of the State of Arkansas.
State/statewide agency | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-65-117(c) | Seizure and Sale of a Motor Vehicle or Motorboat |
The proceeds of the sale of the seized motor vehicle or motorboat shall be deposited into the county general fund. |
County | N/A | All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-65-119(a)(2) | Distribution of Fee |
The fee under subdivision (a)(1) of this section shall be distributed as follows: (A) Seven percent (7%) of the revenues derived from this fee shall be deposited into the State Treasury as special revenues and credited to the Public Health Fund to be used exclusively for the Office of Alcohol Testing of the Department of Health; (B) Thirty-three percent (33%) of the revenues derived from this fee shall be deposited as special revenues into the State Treasury into the Constitutional Officers Fund and the State Central Services Fund as a direct revenue to be used by the Office of Driver Services for use in supporting the administrative driver's licensing revocation and sanctions programs provided for in this subchapter; (C) Ten percent (10%) of the revenues derived from this fee shall be deposited into the State Treasury, and the Treasurer of State shall credit them as general revenues to the various funds in the respective amounts to each and to be used for the purposes as provided in the Revenue Stabilization Law, § 19-5-101 et seq.; and (D) Fifty percent (50%) of the revenues derived from this fee shall be deposited into the State Treasury as special revenues to the credit of the Department of Arkansas State Police Fund.
State/statewide agency |
Law Enforcement. |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-65-304(d)(3) | Seizure, Suspension, and Revocation of License -- Temporary Permits |
Forty percent (40%) of the revenues derived from the fee under this subsection shall be deposited into the State Treasury as special revenues and credited to the Public Health Fund to be used exclusively for the Blood Alcohol Program of the Department of Health.
State/statewide agency |
Blood Alcohol Program of the Department of Health. |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-65-310(f)(3) | Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test |
Forty percent (40%) of the revenues derived from the fee under this subsection shall be deposited into the State Treasury as special revenues and credited to the Public Health Fund to be used exclusively for the Blood Alcohol Program of the Department of Health.
State/statewide agency |
Blood Alcohol Program of the Department of Health |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-70-102(e) | Prostitution |
In addition to any other sentence authorized by this section, a person who violates this section by offering to pay, agreeing to pay, or paying a fee to engage in sexual activity upon conviction shall be ordered to pay a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) to be deposited into the Safe Harbor Fund for Sexually Exploited Children.
State/statewide agency |
Safe Harbor Fund for Sexually Exploited Children. |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-70-103(d) | Sexual Solicitation |
In addition to any other sentence authorized by this section, a person who violates this section by offering to pay, agreeing to pay, or paying a fee to engage in sexual activity upon conviction shall be ordered to pay a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) to be deposited into the Safe Harbor Fund for Sexually Exploited Children.
State/statewide agency |
Safe Harbor Fund for Sexually Exploited Children. |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 5-73-130(n);(o) | Seizure and Forfeiture of Firearm -- Seizure and Forfeiture of Motor Vehicle -- Disposition of Property Seized |
(n) The proceeds of any sale and any moneys forfeited shall be applied to the payment of: (1) The balance due on any lien preserved by the circuit court in the forfeiture proceedings; (2) The cost incurred by the seizing law enforcement agency in connection with the storage, maintenance, security, and forfeiture of the property; (3) The costs incurred by the prosecuting attorney or attorney for the law enforcement agency, approved by the prosecuting attorney, to which the property is forfeited; and (4) Costs incurred by the circuit court. (o) The remaining proceeds or moneys shall be deposited into a special county fund to be titled the "Juvenile Crime Prevention Fund", and the moneys in the fund shall be used solely for making grants to community-based nonprofit organizations that work with juvenile crime prevention and rehabilitation.
State/statewide agency |
Circuit Court Balance, Law Enforcement (Prosecuting Attorney or Attorney for Law Enforcement), County Juvenile Crime Prevention Fund. |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 16-10-306 | Administration of Justice Funds Section |
(a) There is created in the Department of Finance and Administration an Administration of Justice Funds Section.(b) The court costs and filing fees enumerated in §§ 16-10-305, 16-17-705, and 21-6-403, which are assessed and collected in the district courts and circuit courts in this state, shall be remitted to the Administration of Justice Funds Section. (c) The Administration of Justice Funds Section shall: (1) Deposit the court costs and filing fees remitted under subsection (b) of this section into the State Administration of Justice Fund; and (2) Keep an accurate account of all receipts by type of case and type and location of court from which the court costs and filing fees are submitted.
State/statewide agency |
Administration of Justice Fund, Pre-Adjudication Probation Program Fund. |
All |
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Arkansas | Ark. Code Ann. § 19-5-950(b) | Crime Victims Reparations Revolving Fund |
The Crime Victims Reparations Revolving Fund shall consist of moneys transferred or deposited from the State Administration of Justice Fund, twenty-four percent (24%) of the fees collected under § 12-12-1510(c), and all other moneys received by the Crime Victims Reparations Board, there to be used to compensate and assist victims of criminal acts as set out in the Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Act, § 16-90-701 et seq.
State/statewide agency |
Victims of Criminal Acts. |
All |
The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder is a project of the National Criminal Justice Debt Initiative of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and with user experience design by metaLAB (at) Harvard.
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