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9 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Type of obligation | Actor | |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 7A-801 | Monitoring and annual report |
The Administrative Office of the Courts shall monitor all State-recognized and funded local drug treatment courts, prepare an annual report on the implementation, operation, and effectiveness of the statewide drug treatment court program, and submit the report to the General Assembly by March 1 of each year. Each local drug treatment court program shall submit evaluation reports to the Administrative Office of the Courts as requested.
Obligation to report/conduct analysis | State courts |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 15-207 | Records treated as privileged information |
All information and data obtained in the discharge of official duty by any probation officer shall be privileged information, shall not be receivable as evidence in any court, and shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to any other than the judge or to others entitled under this Article to receive reports, unless and until otherwise ordered by a judge of the court or the Secretary of Public Safety.
Obligation to respond to public records requests | All courts |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 20-24.2 | Court to report failure to appear or pay fine, penalty or costs |
(a) The court must report to the Division the name of any person charged with a motor vehicle offense under this Chapter who: (1) Fails to appear to answer the charge as scheduled, unless within 20 days after the scheduled appearance, he either appears in court to answer the charge or disposes of the charge pursuant to G.S. 7A-146; or (2) Fails to pay a fine, penalty, or costs within 40 days of the date specified in the court's judgment.
Obligation to report/conduct analysis | Traffic court |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 132-9 | Access to records |
Any person who is denied access to public records for purposes of inspection and examination, or who is denied copies of public records, may apply to the appropriate division of the General Court of Justice for an order compelling disclosure or copying, and the court shall have jurisdiction to issue such orders if the person has complied with G.S. 7A-38.3E. Actions brought pursuant to this section shall be set down for immediate hearing, and subsequent proceedings in such actions shall be accorded priority by the trial and appellate courts.
Obligation to respond to public records requests | All courts |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 148-29(c) | Transportation of convicts to prison; reimbursement to counties; sheriff's expense affidavit |
The sheriff shall file with the board of commissioners of his county a copy of his affidavit as to necessary guard, together with a copy of his itemized account of expenses, both certified to by him as true copies of those on file in his office.
Obligation to collect or record | Law enforcement |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 7A-108 | Accounting for fees and other receipts; audit |
The Administrative Office of the Courts shall establish procedures for the receipt, deposit, protection, investment, and disbursement of all funds coming into the hands of the clerk of superior court. The fees to be remitted to counties and municipalities shall be paid to them monthly by the clerk of superior court.
The operations of the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Clerks of Superior Court shall be subject to the oversight of the State Auditor pursuant to Article 5A of Chapter 147 of the General Statutes. |
Obligation to report/conduct analysis | Courts |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 7A-109(a),(b)(4),(6) | Record-keeping procedures |
(a) Each clerk shall maintain such records, files, dockets and indexes as are prescribed by rules of the Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts. Except as prohibited by law, these records shall be open to the inspection of the public during regular office hours, and shall include civil actions, special proceedings, estates, criminal actions, juvenile actions, minutes of the court, judgments, liens, lis pendens, and all other records required by law to be maintained. The rules prescribed by the Director shall be designed to accomplish the following purposes:
(1) To provide an accurate record of every determinative legal action, proceeding, or event which may affect the person or property of any individual, firm, corporation, or association; (2) To provide a record during the pendency of a case that allows for the efficient handling of the matter by the court from its initiation to conclusion and also affords information as to the progress of the case; (3) To provide security against the loss or destruction of original documents during their useful life and a permanent record for historical uses; (4) To provide a system of indexing that will afford adequate access to all records maintained by the clerk; (5) To provide, to the extent possible, for the maintenance of records affecting the same action or proceeding in one rather than several units; and (6) To provide a reservoir of information useful to those interested in measuring the effectiveness of the laws and the efficiency of the courts in administering them. (b) The rules shall provide for indexing according to the minimum criteria set out below: (4) Criminal actions.--the names of all defendants; (6) Judgments, liens, lis pendens, etc.--the names of all parties against whom a lien has been created by the docketing of a judgment, notice of lien, transcript, certificate, or similar document and the names of all parties in those cases in which a notice of lis pendens has been filed with the clerk and abstracted on the judgment docket. |
Obligation to collect or record | Clerk |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 7A-180(3) | Functions of clerk of superior court in district court matters |
The clerk of superior court: (3) Maintains, under the supervision of the Administrative Office of the Courts, an office of uniform consolidated records of all judicial proceedings in the superior court division and the district court division of the General Court of Justice in his county. Those records shall include civil actions, special proceedings, estates, criminal actions, juvenile actions, minutes of the court and all other records required by law to be maintained. The form and procedure for filing, docketing, indexing, and recording shall be as prescribed by the Administrative Officer of the Courts notwithstanding any contrary statutory provision as to the title and form of the record or as a method of indexing;
Obligation to collect or record | Clerk |
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North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 7A-801 | Monitoring and annual report |
The Administrative Office of the Courts shall monitor all State-recognized and funded local drug treatment courts, prepare an annual report on the implementation, operation, and effectiveness of the statewide drug treatment court program, and submit the report to the General Assembly by March 1 of each year. Each local drug treatment court program shall submit evaluation reports to the Administrative Office of the Courts as requested.
Obligation to report/conduct analysis | Courts |