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12 Results
State | Statute | Description/Statute Name | Statutory language | Type of obligation | Actor | |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat § 32:388 G(2) | Traffic violations |
The Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall keep a set of books showing from whom every dollar is paid and for what purpose. It also shall + See morekeep in its file vouchers or receipts for all monies paid out.
Obligation to collect or record | State/statewide agency |
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Louisiana | La. Stat. Ann. § 44:31 | Public Records Requests |
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter or as otherwise specifically provided by law, and in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, any person of the age of majority + See moremay inspect, copy, or reproduce any public record.
Obligation to respond to public records requests | All |
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Louisiana | La. Stat. Ann. § 44:32 | Reasonable fees |
For all public records, except public records of state agencies, it shall be the duty of the custodian of such public records to provide copies to persons so requesting. The + See morecustodian may establish and collect reasonable fees for making copies of public records
Obligation to respond to public records requests | All |
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Louisiana | La. Stat. Ann. § 44:31.1 | Exception to general duty to respond to public record requests |
For the purposes of this Chapter, person [to whom a custodian must provide records] does not include an individual in custody after sentence following a felony conviction who has exhausted + See morehis appellate remedies when the request for public records is not limited to grounds upon which the individual could file for post conviction relief under Code of Criminal Procedure Article 930.3. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in R.S. 44:32, the custodian may make an inquiry of any individual who applies for a public record to determine if such individual is in custody after sentence following a felony conviction who has exhausted his appellate remedies and the custodian may make any inquiry necessary to determine if the request of any such individual in custody for a felony conviction is limited to grounds upon which such individual may file for post conviction relief.
Obligation to respond to public records requests | All |
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Louisiana | La Rev. Stat. §571.11. | Court costs fund audit |
D. All fines and forfeitures, including forfeitures of criminal bail bonds, imposed in criminal cases and prosecutions by the courts of Orleans Parish and any payments ordered as a condition + See moreof probation under Code of Criminal Procedure Article 895.1(B)(2) shall, upon collection, be paid to the criminal sheriff of Orleans Parish who shall deposit same in a special account, and shall thereafter be divided equally between the district attorney of Orleans Parish and the criminal district court of Orleans Parish in two special accounts . . . Disbursements from the account to the criminal district court and district attorney shall be made on an equal basis. Said accounts shall be annually audited by the director of finance of the city of New Orleans.
Obligation to report/conduct analysis | Local jurisdiction |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat §1000.1.B | Additional costs for CASA program |
The clerk of court shall place all sums collected or received under this Section in a separate account, to be expended on order of the judges of the district, en + See morebanc, for the support of court-appointed special advocate (CASA) programs in the district. The court shall cause to be conducted annually an audit of the fund and the books and accounts relating thereto and shall file the same with the office of the legislative auditor where it shall be available for public inspection.
Obligation to collect or record | State/statewide agency |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat §1000.3.B | Audit for CASA fund |
The sheriff shall place all sums collected or received under this Section into an account and remit the sum monthly to the Family and Youth Counseling Agency for the support + See moreof the court-appointed special advocate (CASA) and the children's advocacy center (CAC) programs in the judicial district. The court shall cause to be conducted annually an audit of the account and the books and accounts relating thereto and shall file the audit with the office of the legislative auditor where it shall be available for public inspection.
Obligation to collect or record | State/statewide agency |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat §1000.4.B | Audit for CASA fund |
The sheriff shall transfer all sums collected or received under this Section to the court-appointed special advocate (CASA) program in the judicial district to be expended on order of the + See morejudges of the district, en banc. CASA shall cause to be conducted annually an audit of the account and the books and accounts relating thereto and shall file the audit with the office of the legislative auditor where it shall be available for public inspection.
Obligation to collect or record | State/statewide agency |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat §1000.5. B | Audit for CASA fund |
The court shall place all sums collected or received under this Section into an account, to be expended on order of the judges of the district, en banc, for the + See moresupport of the court-appointed special advocate (CASA) and Families in Need of Services (FINS) programs in the judicial district. The court shall cause to be conducted annually an audit of the account and the books and accounts relating thereto and shall file the audit with the office of the legislative auditor where it shall be available for public inspection.
Obligation to collect or record | State/statewide agency |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat §1000.6. B | Audit for drug division |
A judge of the drug division shall cause to be conducted annually an audit of the account and the books and accounts relating thereto and shall file the audit with + See morethe office of the legislative auditor where it shall be available for public inspection.
Obligation to collect or record | State/statewide agency |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat §13:10.4.B | Audit for Witness Protection Services fund |
The court shall cause to be conducted annually an audit of the account and the books and accounts relating thereto and shall file the audit with the office of the + See morelegislative auditor where it shall be available for public inspection.
Obligation to collect or record | State/statewide agency |
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Louisiana | LA Rev Stat §1381.4.B | Orleans CDC Judicial Expense Fund Audit |
The judicial administrator of the Criminal District Court for Orleans Parish shall place all sums collected or received under this Section in a separate account to be designated as the + See morejudicial expense fund for the Criminal District Court for Orleans Parish. The judges of the court shall cause to be conducted annually an audit of the fund and the books and accounts relating thereto and shall file the same with the office of the legislative auditor where it shall be available for public inspection.
Obligation to collect or record | Municipal court |