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Obligation to collect or record
Wash. Sup. Ct. Crim. R. 7.2(d)-(e)
Statutory language

(d) Record. A record of the sentencing proceedings shall be made. The sentencing and judgment records of the courts of limited jurisdiction shall be preserved in perpetuity, either in an electronic or hard copy format. “Hard copy format” may include microfilm, microfiche, or a paper copy. The record of the sentencing proceedings shall be prima facie evidence of a valid conviction in subsequent proceedings in courts of limited jurisdiction and in superior court.
(e) Judgment and Sentence.
(1) An electronic judgment and sentence shall be prescribed by the Administrator for the Courts in conjunction with the Judicial Information System Committee (JISC).
(2) A non-electronic judgment and sentence form shall be prescribed by the Administrator for the Courts in conjunction with the Supreme Court Pattern Forms Committee.
(3) Notwithstanding any other statute or rule to the contrary, each judgment and sentence form, either electronic or hard copy, shall be preserved by the court in perpetuity.

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