Statutory language
5. If the justice or judge permits the fine and administrative assessment for the provision of court facilities to be paid in installments, the payments must be applied in the following order: (a) To pay the unpaid balance of an administrative assessment imposed pursuant to NRS 176.059;
(b) To pay the unpaid balance of an administrative assessment for the provision of court facilities pursuant to this section;
(c) To pay the unpaid balance of an administrative assessment for the provision of specialty court programs pursuant to NRS 176.0613;
(d) To pay the unpaid balance of an administrative assessment for obtaining a biological specimen and conducting a genetic marker analysis pursuant to NRS 176.0623;
(e) To pay the unpaid balance of the specialty courts fee pursuant to NRS 484C.515; and
(f) To pay the fine.
6. The money collected for administrative assessments for the provision of court facilities in municipal courts must be paid by the clerk of the court to the city treasurer on or before the fifth day of each month for the preceding month. The city treasurer shall deposit the money received in a special revenue fund. The city may use the money in the special revenue fund only to:
(a) Acquire land on which to construct additional facilities for the municipal courts or a regional justice center that includes the municipal courts.
(b) Construct or acquire additional facilities for the municipal courts or a regional justice center that includes the municipal courts.
(c) Renovate or remodel existing facilities for the municipal courts.
(d) Acquire furniture, fixtures and equipment necessitated by the construction or acquisition of additional facilities or the renovation of an existing facility for the municipal courts or a regional justice center that includes the municipal courts. This paragraph does not authorize the expenditure of money from the fund for furniture, fixtures or equipment for judicial chambers.
(e) Acquire advanced technology for use in the additional or renovated facilities.
(f) Pay debt service on any bonds issued pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 350.020 for the acquisition of land or facilities or the construction or renovation of facilities for the municipal courts or a regional justice center that includes the municipal courts.
Ê Any money remaining in the special revenue fund after 5 fiscal years must be deposited in the municipal general fund for the continued maintenance of court facilities if it has not been committed for expenditure pursuant to a plan for the construction or acquisition of court facilities or improvements to court facilities. The city treasurer shall provide, upon request by a municipal court, monthly reports of the revenue credited to and expenditures made from the special revenue fund.
7. The money collected for administrative assessments for the provision of court facilities in justice courts must be paid by the clerk of the court to the county treasurer on or before the fifth day of each month for the preceding month. The county treasurer shall deposit the money received to a special revenue fund. The county may use the money in the special revenue fund only to:
(a) Acquire land on which to construct additional facilities for the justice courts or a regional justice center that includes the justice courts.
(b) Construct or acquire additional facilities for the justice courts or a regional justice center that includes the justice courts.
(c) Renovate or remodel existing facilities for the justice courts.
(d) Acquire furniture, fixtures and equipment necessitated by the construction or acquisition of additional facilities or the renovation of an existing facility for the justice courts or a regional justice center that includes the justice courts. This paragraph does not authorize the expenditure of money from the fund for furniture, fixtures or equipment for judicial chambers.
(e) Acquire advanced technology for use in the additional or renovated facilities.
(f) Pay debt service on any bonds issued pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 350.020 for the acquisition of land or facilities or the construction or renovation of facilities for the justice courts or a regional justice center that includes the justice courts. Any money remaining in the special revenue fund after 5 fiscal years must be deposited in the county general fund for the continued maintenance of court facilities if it has not been committed for expenditure pursuant to a plan for the construction or acquisition of court facilities or improvements to court facilities. The county treasurer shall provide, upon request by a justice court, monthly reports of the revenue credited to and expenditures made from the special revenue fund.
8. If money collected pursuant to this section is to be used to acquire land on which to construct a regional justice center, to construct a regional justice center or to pay debt service on bonds issued for these purposes, the county and the participating cities shall, by interlocal agreement, determine such issues as the size of the regional justice center, the manner in which the center will be used and the apportionment of fiscal responsibility for the center.