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Payment as Condition of Community Supervision

(a) A judge may not order a defendant to make a payment as a term or condition of community supervision, except for:
(1) the payment of fines, court costs, or restitution to the victim;
(2) reimbursement of a county as described by Article 42A.301(b)(11) ; or
(3) a payment ordered as a condition that relates personally to the rehabilitation of the defendant or that is otherwise expressly authorized by law.

Conditions requiring motor vehicle ignition interlock

(d) The magistrate may designate an appropriate agency to verify the installation of the device and to monitor the device. If the magistrate designates an agency under this subsection, in each month during which the agency verifies the installation of the device or provides a monitoring service the defendant shall pay a fee to the designated agency in the amount set by the magistrate. The defendant shall pay the initial fee at the time the agency verifies the installation of the device.

Home confinement, electronic monitoring, and drug testing as condition

(c) The magistrate may revoke the bond and order the defendant arrested if the defendant: (1) violates a condition of home confinement and electronic monitoring; (3) fails to pay the reimbursement fee for monitoring or testing for controlled substances, if payment is ordered under Subsection (e) as a condition of bond and the magistrate determines that the defendant is not indigent and is financially able to make the payments as ordered.

Additional Fees and Costs in Criminal or Civil Cases: Code of Criminal Procedure

An accused or defendant, or a party to a civil suit, as applicable, shall pay the following fees and costs under the Code of Criminal Procedure if ordered by the court or otherwise required:
(2) cost of electronic monitoring as a condition of release on personal bond (Art. 17.43, Code of Criminal Procedure) ... actual cost;
(3-a) costs associated with operating a global positioning monitoring system as a condition of release on bond (Art. 17.49(b)(2), Code of Criminal Procedure) ... actual costs, subject to a determination of indigency;

Treatment Alternative to Incarceration Program

(e) A department may contract for the provision of treatment services. The department may pay for services only if other adequate public or private sources of payment are not available. A person is responsible for the payment of any treatment program recommended under this section if it is determined that a person referred for treatment is able to pay for the costs of treatment or if the person has insurance that will pay for the treatment.

Reimbursement Fee

(c) A department may assess a reasonable reimbursement fee of not less than $25 and not more than $60 per month on an individual who participates in a program operated by the department or receives services from the department and who is not paying a monthly reimbursement fee under Article 42A.652, Code of Criminal Procedure.